The Virgin Diet

The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin

Book: The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Virgin
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of the problems. Here’s some more good news: the Improving Your Poops section can tell you how to fix any remaining problems.
    Now that you see how important pooping is for getting rid of toxins, let’s talk about things that can help you poop better.
    First, make time for it. Everyone has a rhythm. You will find your best time of day. For most people, it is when they get up in the morning or about an hour after they wake up and move. Make sure you have time for that. You may also need to have another bowel movement in the afternoon after lunch. Start to get used to what your body needs so you can set time aside. You need the right place to be able to do this, too.
    Second, you need to have one to three bowel movements a day. They shouldn’t be urgent, and you shouldn’t have to run to the bathroom every time you eat. When you eat, it should stimulate some peristalsis in 30–60 minutes. (Peristalsis is the contraction and relaxation of your intestinal muscles to move food through your digestive tract.) But you should not be feeling the urgent need to run to the bathroom as soon as you finish your meal. If you pull all of the top 7 high-FI foods from your diet and your urgency hasn’t cleared up in a couple weeks, see your doctor.
    Fiber definitely gives us poops we can be proud of! You need fiber to add the bulk to your stools. Here are the top 10 sources of fabulous fiber, so load up on these:
Raspberries (All berries are high-fiber, and these are the highest.)
Seeds, especially chia seeds and freshly ground flaxseeds
Winter squash
    You need to eat optimal amounts of fiber. The average person is getting only 5 to 14 grams of fiber per day, but I want you to get it up to 50 or more. You can’t do it overnight. Add 5 grams each day until you reach your goal—and make sure to drink more water as you do so.
    In Chapter 8 , you’ll find my instructions for drinking water. Water and fiber together make a nice sponge that will give you the bulk you need in your stools.
Vitamin C: Start with 1 gram and increase as needed up to 5 grams each night.
Magnesium: Start with 300 milligrams and increase as needed up to 1,000 milligrams each night.
    If your poops become runny, back off the supplements a bit. Iron and calcium are constipating, so if you are taking either of these, you may need some supplements to offset those effects. I like to take vitamin C and magnesium at night to get things moving in the morning.
And Some Other Things…
Get things moving with exercise.
Try drinking some hot coffee or tea in the morning.
Sip some peppermint tea throughout the day.
Throw two or three prunes into your shake.
When you move your bowels, consider elevating your feet with a footstool—our toilets are just about the worst possible setup for elimination.
    If none of this is working, try cascara sagrada, senna, Chinese rhubarb and/or frangula (I prefer to use herbal blends of these) on a short-term basis. These are also great to take along if you happen to get constipated while traveling. You should only use them for a few days—don’t becomedependent on them, as they may irritate the gastrointestinal lining long term with chronic use.
    I know it’s hard to believe that the foods you’ve always thought were healthy are actually causing you to gain weight, feel lousy and look at least 10 years older. But trust me, I’ve had thousands of clients—from students to CEOs to top Hollywood stars—lose stubborn extra pounds, look 10 years younger and feel better than they had in years. The Virgin Diet is the key for me, for them and for you.
    If you’re feeling skeptical, leaf through this book, read some of my clients’ testimonials and see whether you recognize yourself in them. Most important of all, give the Virgin Diet a try. I’m only asking you for 21 days, and in return, I’m offering you a

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