
Used by Kate Lynne

Book: Used by Kate Lynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Lynne
Tags: Erótica
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look. I feel sorry, for such a split second it barely registers. I make a rash decision and shoot her in the shoulder.
    Bang. I try to leave. I walk out the door, but I’m compelled. This isn’t over. I come back and find her thanking her lucky stars. I tilt my head slightly as Eryn looks up at me on her hands and knees. She found a way to roll over from her all too familiar missionary position. She was strong enough to do that, so she is truly a threat to me. I almost feel bad again, almost remorseful; almost. She’s begging, crying, and reminding me of the stupid girl I once was.
    Bang. I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I really was starting to like her. But jealousy gets the best of me; the only bitch to ever take my power away, even if only temporarily. This won’t be the last time I go off the deep end and snap. Jealousy always finds a way to rear its ugly head. I’ll do this again and my sins will never be forgiven. I get off on this more than the sexual acts themselves. Sex just gets me closer to my victims and I use them like I was once used. History is repeating itself and I feel light again. I can probably go live in another city, another place with new faces. I can live a normal life for a couple of weeks at most until I need to release again. It was a year at first, then a couple of months; now it’s only weeks before I teeter on the edge of complete breakdown. I’m sure I’ll slowly dwindle away and eventually I’ll get caught. But until then, I can’t stop.
    This is my addiction. I need to feel the power. I need to use and people will never stop letting me. People will never stop being predictable and all too trustworthy. You think I ’m the fucking devil, I can see it on your face. I’m just a broken girl who’s fucking the world like it has fucked me. In my humble opinion, I’m fucking it harder, faster, and longer. Maybe you’ll think about my story the next time you try and use someone or maybe when you’re being used yourself. It’s even possible that I’ll never cross your mind again, I truly hope that’s the case. You’ll trash my story and move on with your life. Just think about this for a minute, a last thought before I go. I can hear the sirens wail outside, so I won’t keep you too much longer. I just have to let you know—I used you, too. And you let me.
    Now and only now, you actually have a reason to be pissed off and hate me. I used minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. I stole them, just like the lives of so many before you. So take that as the moral of the fucking story. Write it down, as I know we all crave to question why things are one way or the other by the story’s end. It is what it is and that’s that. Oh, and one more thing. Be happy that your mind isn’t as twisted as mine. The name’s V. Remember me. This isn’t the end. Baby, this is only the beginning.

    Savage; named for all the wrong reasons.
    Got damn if this hasn ’t been a night to remember, then I don’t know what the definition for one would be. I’ve never fucked two hot chicks at the same time. I’m a fairly good-looking dude. I know it’s the truth. I work out to the point of exhaustion on my physique. I was married up until eleven months ago. Divorce is the pits, but I understand why she served me with papers. I fucked around on her more than once. When you’ve been together with only one person for most of your life, it gets old quick. I feel guilty about what I’ve done. I really do miss her at times. I’ve been so pathetic lately that I’ve been watching instead of participating. I bought some really high tech cameras and placed them throughout the bar. I catch people fucking in the back rooms, closets, and even the bathrooms. It’s all been male with female drunken quickies, but I still get off watching.
    When I saw Eryn and V go into the employee bathroom, I about lost my shit. I had met V earlier in the night. I

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