Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy
kind of line? Holly stopped feeling him up and looked at him, embarrassed.
    “Holly…I didn’t mean to be so abrupt. I’m just trying to get you home. You need your sleep.”
    They came up to her door and she fumbled around for her keys. I wonder if your cock is as hard as the rest of you. Holly looked into her purse and pondered that to herself. At least she thought she said it to herself. Please don’t let me have said that out loud. She looked over at Jack and his expression was nothing out of the ordinary. Good, she was in the clear. Note to self: Do not drink so much next time.
    When they did get inside, Jack turned around to leave once he knew she’d be fine.
    “What’s the rush?” Holly asked as she stumbled again and almost fell through the coffee table.
    Jack ran over to catch her. “I guess you’re not as fine as I thought. Let’s get you into bed.”
    Holly snickered again at the thought of Jack in her bedroom. She felt like a schoolgirl going through her first crush, not some woman starting a new life, complete with an ex-fiancé. Holly relaxed in his arms, partly because it felt so damn good, but also because it was easier than trying to hold herself up on her own. She couldn’t help herself; she looked into those incredible eyes and ran a finger over his scar above his eyebrow. He flinched and she really hoped he wasn’t repulsed by her.
    “How did you get that scar?”
    “Long story, but short version is that I was young and stupid. Nothing I want to talk about now.”
    “Ooookay…just wondering.”
    Forgetting about her embarrassment (a whole five minutes ago), Holly reached over again and brought her hands down his bulging pec muscles. She was probably being too gutsy tonight for her own good, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself from touching him.
    Jack grabbed her wrists. “Holly. Please stop.” He spoke to her in that severe tone that he used earlier.
    She finally took him seriously and immediately started feeling like some kind of a scumbag. Here she was, rubbing all over her friend’s date. Maybe something was going on between him and Lexi. Maybe he really liked her and that was why he recoiled whenever Holly touched him. Maybe he has a thing for prostitute/tube-top girl or one of the other millions of women out there. Maybe she should stop thinking about things that piss her off.
    She resolved to keep her hands to herself as Jack helped her into bed. The pillow felt so nice and soft against her head. Someone must have dropped a lead weight in her brain because she was suddenly so drained she could barely keep her eyelids open. Jack pulled the blankets over her and she zonked out before she could thank him.
    Jack stood over Holly’s bed for several minutes watching her sleep. He had made sure she was comfortable, but beyond that, he wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t think she’d want to sleep in her nice dress, but he couldn’t exactly get himself to take it off of her. The thought certainly invaded his mind half a dozen times, but it seemed wrong. He wanted nothing more than to see her beautiful body free of clothing. Okay, he could think of something he wanted more, but the point was; he didn’t want to take advantage of her when she was this drunk.
    He was the last one to be called a saint though; if she would have kept kneading him like that, he wasn’t sure how long he would have been able to control himself. She had no idea of the effect she had on him. He had to keep pushing her hands away – Jesus, they were all over him – when he really wanted her to never stop. She had been pushing him dangerously close; it wouldn’t have been much longer before his dick defeated his brain. It had already become boulder-hard just because she wanted to touch him so much. What the fuck would she do to him if they were naked together? He had to get himself out of her room now.
    “Sweet dreams, Holly,” he whispered, softy kissing her forehead.
    Holly awoke the next

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