Holly's Crush: The Complete Trilogy
morning (afternoon?) feeling like she just ate a game board. She definitely needed something to drink. Groaning, she forced herself to sit up, trying to ignore the bongo drums playing in her head. That’s when she noticed that she was still wearing the same clothes as last night. She tried to piece everything together, but her mind was so fuzzy.
    Looking over at her nightstand, she saw a large glass of water sitting there, along with a couple aspirin. She grabbed them, downing it all in a few gulps. Setting the glass back down, she noticed a note. Her eyes were not cooperating too well and the words were swirling around the paper, but she managed to make it out:
    From the looks of you last night, I knew you would be needing this today. If you
    need anything else, remember that I’m right across the hall.
    Holly struggled to remember everything that had led to her wearing this crumpled-up dress and feeling like crap. The entire night at the club was recalled somewhat easily, even the parts she wanted to forget, but afterwards was patchy. Jack brought her home and she had to rely on him to make it up the stairs. She must have looked pathetic. Once she was inside her apartment, she wasn’t sure of anything.
    “Oh my God! Jack was in my apartment.” Holly wondered what she had lying around for him to see. Half-eaten pieces of pizza? Underwear? Magic Flipper?
    A million scenarios played out in her mind and she could not figure out which one really happened. The last thing she remembered was Jack holding her up as she walked in the door – his body had felt so good – but after that was a blur. Her brain was aching from thinking too hard, wondering just how much she had made a fool of herself in front of him.
    She made herself get into the shower hoping to feel better. Fortunately, that was the case, at least until the hot water ran out.
    After the head fog has dissipated to the point where she felt more like her normal self, she found herself knocking on Jack’s door. Holly’s eyes grew wide when a woman answered and she wanted to hate her immediately. She looked into her round face and violet eyes, realizing it would be like hating an angel. For that is what she looked like to Holly, specifically a cherub, with her sweet face and ample, voluptuous body. Despite being full-figured, or maybe because of it, she was absolutely breathtaking. Does that eye color even exist? They have to be contacts.
    “Can I help you?” The woman asked, smiling.
    “Yes, is –”
    “Who’s at the door?” Jack said, coming out of the kitchen. He was holding a spoon filled with some kind of sauce. It smelled delicious. 
    He can cook too? Holly thought.
    “Hi, Holly.” Jack handed the spoon to the violet-eyed woman. “Glad to see you up and about. Would you like to stay for dinner? I’m making manicotti with my homemade sauce.”
    “Which is amazing, as always,” the woman said, handing the spoon back to Jack.
    “Uh, no thanks. I appreciate the offer, but I can’t stay.” Holly felt really uncomfortable standing there between the two of them. “I just stopped by to say thank you for seeing me home last night. I hope I didn’t mess up your evening in any way.”
    “Of course not,” the woman said, speaking up before Jack had a chance to. “He was happy to do it.”
    Holly was starting to feel more and more awkward being there. Who is this woman?
    The woman/cherub smacked Jack on the arm, urging him to say something.
    “Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. It’s hard to get a word in sometimes around my sister, she has a tendency to speak for me,” Jack said.
    Rolling her eyes at her brother, she turned towards Holly and offered her hand. “Nice to officially meet you. My name’s Olivia, Jack’s sister.”
    “I really need to get back to my sauce. If you change your mind about dinner, we have more than enough food.” Jack left for the kitchen, leaving the two women together.

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