Hollywood Blackmail

Hollywood Blackmail by Jackie Ashenden Page A

Book: Hollywood Blackmail by Jackie Ashenden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ashenden
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, series
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my identity under wraps, Ash.”
    “I know, but like I said, you’re safe with me. You don’t need to groom yourself in my house, Lizzie-girl. I prefer you au naturel.”
    She opened her mouth to protest, then realized it was only going to sound like a justification and shut it again. God, she was going to have to put up with it, wasn’t she? She was going to have to capitulate. And not just with the contacts. With the whole damn thing.
    Going back to having grey eyes. Going to his stupid house. Staying there.
    Otherwise he was going to go to Helen with a complaint against her.
    Seacliffe isn’t the only place you can get work.
    Well, no, it wasn’t. But Helen had paid her tuition fees on the understanding she’d work there for at least five years, and that five years wasn’t up yet. She couldn’t leave. Not only was it a betrayal of Helen’s trust it in her, it was also completely unprofessional. Definitely not the kind of start she wanted to a career she’d hoped would finally help her put her past behind her once and for all.
    Anyway, her feelings about Ash shouldn’t make any difference in the job she had to do. In fact, as a professional, she should be putting those feelings to one side and doing the work. And besides, Helen didn’t need any more issues with disgruntled clients on top of what she was already dealing with this morning.
    No, for the good of her job, for Seacliffe, she had to do this.
    She crossed her arms tighter. Lifted her chin. “Fine. But you’re not going to be the only one who gets to lay down some rules.”
    “Oh really?”
    “If you want something from me then you’re going to have to give me something in return. It’s a two-way street, Ash.” She’d be damned if he was going to be the one who called the shots. He might get what he wanted in Hollywood, but that wasn’t going to work with her.
    His expression didn’t change, but a subtle air of tension gathered around him. “I’ve heard of this two-way street. Not sure I like it.”
    “Are you going to listen?”
    “Sure, why not? What do you want?”
    Lizzie squared her shoulders. “You can’t touch me again without asking.”
    Something in his eyes glinted. “I affect you that badly, huh?”
    She kept her expression neutral, determined not give him anything. “Hardly. It’s a matter of professionalism.”
    “Keep telling yourself that, sugar. Okay, what else?”
    “What happened eleven years ago is off-limits. That’s over and done with and I’m not going back.”
    Ash narrowed his eyes and for a minute it felt like he could see right through her. “Anything else?”
    “I’m your nurse and my purpose is only to administer your treatment. Nothing more.”
    “Okay. Got it.” Then, much to her surprise, he abruptly stepped back and turned toward the door. “Come on, Lizzie girl. Let’s go.”
    Got it? That’s all he was going to say? She’d expected… Well, she didn’t know exactly what she’d expected but certainly not a two-word capitulation.
    “So you’re agreeing, then?” she asked, just to make sure.
    Already halfway to the door, he paused and turned back to her. Grinned. “To a challenge like that? Who wouldn’t? Now, are you coming or what?”

Chapter Four
    Ash ignored the sounds of faint spluttering going on behind him as he stepped out of the cottage. Lizzie was clearly not happy with his response to her laying down the law.
    Too bad. He had no problem with the fact that she wanted her own set of rules—hell, since he’d blackmailed her into coming with him it seemed only fair—but she had to remember that following rules wasn’t his strong point. Getting around them was. And he was going to get around hers. Especially the one about the past.
    Behind him he could hear her footsteps, rushing to catch up with him. “So you’re just going to put on scrubs? That’s your plan?”
    “Sure. Or a white coat. Hey, I could be one of the doctors even.”
    “Since we only have three doctors

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