Home For The Holidays (Dirt Track Dogs #6)
    Tana tipped her head to the side, her curly hair meeting her shoulder. “And your mate is doing a fine job of putting him in his place. And of course, there’s Gracie. She got to him already.”
    Surge chuckled. “That’s my girl.”
    Blister was still on edge, and so were the others, he could tell.
    “Well, what’s he doing?” Drake asked.
    Tana pressed her lips together, looking like she was trying to suppress a grin. “Washing dishes.”
    “He’s…” Blister couldn’t picture the angry man from the night before doing something so mundane in a kitchen full of people he claimed to have no tolerance for. “He’s doing dishes?”
    “Mm hm. We’ve got this covered, alright. No more testosterone needed. I just wanted to let you all know so no one went wolfy on him. M’kay?”
    Blister looked at the guys, all of them frowning but considering Tana’s words.
    “Well…” Drake shrugged. “We have a lot of work to do in here so…”
    “Yeah,” Surge agreed. “Go on, baby. We’ll just… you know… work and shit.”
    Tana gave them a grin and then left, closing the door behind her.
    Seconds ticked by as they each stood, contemplating the human situation.
    “I’m thinking,” Drake murmured. “That if we read those damn annoying instructions, we can get this shit done in record time and get out there with our mates.”
    Four nodding heads agreed with him.
    “What do you say boys?”
    “Hell yes,” Surge boomed. “I want out there so I can attach myself to her hip and make sure that asshole knows not to mess with her.”
    “Ditto,” Beast said, his dreads swinging with his nod.
    “I’d like to say, I never had issue with reading the instruction in the first place,” Diz announced. “But I’m in agreement with what Surge said.”
    “Yeah.” Blister nodded. He needed to get out there with Annie. And double win, the boys would put his young’s furniture together the right way.
    Drake collected the booklets and passed them out to the guys, who immediately went to reading them.
    “Alright, dogs.” He sighed. “Let’s do this.”

Chapter Eight
    Blister watched from the corner of the kitchen. The couples were paired up and there was a lot of subtle dick swinging happening. But he had to give the guys credit. They were cordial. In fact, Surge had even shared a few laughs with Annie’s brother. Or rather, Surge had laughed while Aaron looked utterly confused.
    Point was, they were giving the human every chance to be decent. And so far, he was.
    If decent was looking at them all like he was waiting for one of them to take a literal hunk out of his thigh, dip it in ketchup, and start eating it like a McNugget.
    And of course they were all avoiding the awkward line of conversation that might explain his nine year absence. But whatever. Maybe they didn’t want to know why he’d left Annie. Maybe they were all better off.
    She sidled up beside Blister, her hand curling around his bicep. But he wanted her closer. Tucking his arm around her, he pulled her tight against his side and dropped a kiss on her temple.
    “How are you feeling, mate?”
    “Fine. Still have Muppet feet. Destiny says they’ll be like this from here on out, until I deliver.”
    He looked at her swollen toes. “They’re kinda cute.”
    She snorted. “Yeah right.”
    “Everything about you is cute,” he said, giving her a private smile. But his instincts told him they were being watched.
    He lifted his gaze to find her brother staring hard at them, and completely ignoring whatever Surge was going on about.
    Annie’s soft giggle pulled his attention back to her as she raised up and sweetly kissed his marred cheek. Damn. Sweet, soft mate. Made his insides like jelly.
    “Did you double check everything the boys built for our baby?”
    “Yes. It’s all safe.”
    “Good. We can decorate next week and wash up all those newborn clothes. Will you help me?”
    “Absolutely, angel.” God, she could ask him

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