Home Is Where Hank Is (Cowboys To The Rescue 1)
gave her another hug, then turned to leave. She stopped in her tracks. “Oh, the kitchen. I’m supposed to—”
    “Go on,” Alex urged. “It’ll just take a minute to ask. There’ll still be plenty of dirty pots and pans left when you get back.”
    Claire threw her a look of such thankfulness and joy that Alex felt her heart twist into a knot. She watched blindly as the door settled back on its hinges in decreasing swings.
    Had she ever been that young and carefree?
    Several hours later, Alex wiped her hands on the frayed dish towel and scanned the kitchen one last time. Supper dishes and pans were clean and stored. Breakfast and the next day’s lunch were as far along as she could take them before sunrise.
    Content with the progress, she checked on Sugar. The cat ran free in the house during the day, but as the sun began to disappear, Alex put him in her room so he wouldn’t be stomped underfoot.
    Feeling restless, Alex left Sugar to his nightly cleaning ritual and wandered onto the back porch. The temperature had fallen with the sun, but instead of retreating back inside, she meandered over to the swing hanging at one end and lowered herself into it. The thermometer would dip close to freezing by morning.
    Recalling Claire’s warm words earlier warmed Alex even as it made her sad. Sister. How she’d longed for one when she was growing up. But she’d heard declarations like Claire’s from friends before, and when hard times came, those statements proved to be worth nothing more than the air they were carried on. Since she’d be moving on in three weeks, Claire’s would no doubt prove as worthless. Still, it felt good to hear the words.
    From her swinging perch, she surveyed the part of the sky she could see. So many stars. Which was her lucky one? If she knew, she would wish on it every night for...for what? She had what she wanted, didn’t she? The chance to study under a master chef.
    “Howdy, Alex. What’s up?”
    Derek’s deep voice startled her out of her thoughts. “Nothing’s changed since supper. You here to get more of that chocolate pie?”
    “Well, now, if you’re wanting to get rid of it, I’d be willing to force it down my throat, but...”
    “Yes?” Alex prompted, though she knew what was coming.
    “Is Miss Claire anywheres about?”
    Alex was glad it was dark so he couldn’t see the pity in her eyes. Derek came up to the house every night, asking after Claire. He’d fallen in love with the girl, that much was obvious. But his love was unrequited. The first night Alex went upstairs to tell Claire she had a gentleman caller, Claire made it very clear that she had no interest in Derek or any other cowboy. Claire considered cowboys filthy, unkempt fellows who wouldn’t know romance if it came up and grabbed their horse by the tail. She planned to get her degree and find a good job in a big city like Chicago, Dallas or Denver.
    “Claire’s studying, Derek. I think she’s got a calculus test tomorrow.”
    Derek nodded and pushed his hat back on his head. In the light coming through the screen door, he made a sad attempt at a grin. “Well, you can’t blame a fella for trying.”
    “I’ll get you that pie.”
    A few minutes later they were back on the porch. Alex set the swing moving again while Derek sat on the top step and fed on the chocolate dessert. A few minutes later Jed and Buck wandered up, and Alex got up to cut them each a piece of pie.
    As they ate, Alex asked them questions about the ranch and their jobs. They talked freely, and eventually the conversation turned to Alex and why she didn’t ride.
    “You mean you ain’t never sat on a horse?” Jed exclaimed. “There’s gotta be a law!”
    “I’ve never had the opportunity. There weren’t any horses at...where I grew up.” She hadn’t told anyone about her days at the orphanage and didn’t intend to.
    “Hell, we’ll teach ya,” Buck said. “’Tween the three of us, we could learn anybody how to

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