Home Is Where Hank Is (Cowboys To The Rescue 1)
    “That’s my job.”
    They all turned to see Hank’s silhouette in the doorway.
    The screen door squeaked as he pushed it open. “I told her I’d teach her, I just haven’t had time.”
    “Sure, boss,” Derek said.
    The hands shared a smiling look as Hank walked over to Alex. “May I join you?”
    She stopped the swing and scooted to the far left. His descending weight made the chains rattle, then one boot set the swing back in motion.
    Alex swallowed hard as his nearness sent her senses reeling. He smelled clean, like the soap in the upstairs bathroom. But underneath he emanated an odor that was heavier, muskier. It made her want to lean toward him and take a deep breath. His heat also acted like a magnet. She had to hang on to the arm of the swing to keep from moving toward him. With her right side heating up and her left side in the cold, she couldn’t control the shiver that skimmed along her spine.
    Hank interrupted his discussion with the hands about which horse would make her a good mount. “You cold?”
    Alex ran her hand up her left arm. “A little. I’m okay.”
    Without another word, he rose and stepped inside. A few seconds later he returned carrying the lined denim jacket she’d seen on him nearly every day.
    “Lean forward,” he commanded.
    She leaned, and he swung the jacket around her shoulders, then settled back on the swing. The conversation took up where he’d left it, but Alex barely noticed. That musky male odor she’d noticed earlier rose to her nostrils in powerful waves, mingled with the scents of horses, hay and fresh air.
    Such a small kindness, so casually extended. It probably meant nothing to him. But it meant the world to someone who’d never belonged anywhere. Sure, most people were nice to her, but they never went out of their way to make her comfortable. They didn’t care enough one way or another.
    Until now.
    “That all right with you? Hey, you awake?”
    Alex’s eyes flew open when Hank’s hand touched her knee. Warm and heavy, it settled there, sending sparks shooting up her leg. “What?”
    “We’re going to put you on Maisy. She’s gentle enough for a beginner. I’ll try to make it in early tomorrow afternoon to give you your first lesson. Okay?”
    “Sure.” Alex cleared the frog suddenly caught in her throat. “Whatever you say. Don’t go to any trouble just for—”
    Hank squeezed her knee. “Hell, woman, it’s not for you. We’ve got to get you riding if we’re gonna have any grub at all on the drive.”
    Alex glanced down at the broad hand resting easily on her leg. How could simple pressure cause such havoc all over her body? Her blood felt like stampeding horses, racing through her veins with pounding hooves.
    She shivered from more than the cold. There was no mistaking this as a friendly gesture. This was a man-woman gesture—a possessive man-woman gesture. Even so, her first instinct was to cover his hand with her own. The warm weight on her leg felt familiar, felt right. It made her feel things she had no business feeling—like maybe this man cared for her, like she belonged.
    “Alex? You’ll be here for the drive, won’t you?”
    Derek’s question snapped her mind back to reality. She crossed her legs, and Hank removed his hand. “When is it?”
    “In two weeks,” Hank said.
    “Then I’ll still be here.” Her heart still racing, she turned to Hank, only able to look at him because it was dark. “I’ll be glad to learn to ride whenever someone has time to teach me.”
    “I’ll be teaching you, and we’ll shoot for tomorrow, if that’s okay. For now, I think it’s time some cowpokes turned in. Sunrise comes mighty early.”
    Alex rose as the hands grumbled good-naturedly and wandered toward the bunk house. She removed Hank’s jacket, and he opened the door for her.
    “Thanks for the loan.” She handed Hank his coat without meeting his eyes.
    “No problem.” He took the coat and draped it over the hook beneath

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