Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 06 - Magnolia Mansion Mysteries

Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 06 - Magnolia Mansion Mysteries by Hope Callaghan

Book: Hope Callaghan - Garden Girls 06 - Magnolia Mansion Mysteries by Hope Callaghan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hope Callaghan
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Senior Sleuths - Michigan
remember one time when she and I tried to grow a garden on the outdoor terrace.” She shook her head.  “I don’t even remember what it was but it never did turn into anything.  There wasn’t enough light or maybe it was too much smog and it choked the plants.”
    Gloria could hear the excitement in Andrea’s voice.  “You mentioned Alice has been around since you were young.  Do you have any idea how old she is?”  Gloria wondered. Maybe it would be too much for Alice.  Change could be hard for people who were older and set in their ways…
    Mally wandered over to Andrea’s chair and flopped down on top of her feet.  Andrea reached down and patted her head.  “I’d have to say she’s probably about your age.  Maybe a little older.”
    Gloria nodded thoughtfully.  The woman might jump at the chance.  Gloria knew she would.  She shuddered at the thought of living in New York City.  She’d never even been there. Never had a desire to go. 
    The biggest city she’d ever been to was Chicago to see her son, Eddie.  Even that was too much.  After a few days, Gloria was ready to pack up and head back to her peaceful little town. 
    “Would you like some tea or lemonade?” Gloria asked.
    Andrea shook her head. “I should go back.” She ran her fingers through her golden locks.  “I fibbed and told them I had to make a quick trip to the post office.”
    Gloria walked Andrea out to her car.  “Have you heard anything from the police on the body or the painting?”
    Andrea shook her head.  “Nope. Not yet.” She grabbed the door handle.  “What do you think?”
    Gloria wished she’d had a chance to get a better look at the body and the clothing.  “The fact that the bones were intact makes me suspect that the body had been planted there.  I doubt it was inside your kitchen walls. After all, the construction workers would’ve noticed it.”
    Andrea nodded.  “That’s what I thought.” She opened the car door and slid inside.  “What about the locked room in the basement?”
    “I’m going make a run to the hardware store.  Brian might have some ideas on how to pick the lock.”
    Andrea started her car and rolled the window down. 
    Gloria leaned in.  “Have you ever been in the attic, Andrea?”
    Andrea shivered, as if just the thought of the attic gave her the chills.  “Nope.  I almost went up there once but chickened out.”
    “Hmm…” The wheels were spinning in Gloria’s head. 
    Andrea slipped on her sunglasses. “I can tell by the look on your face you’re dying to check it out.”
    She put the car in reverse but kept her foot on the brake.  “If you really want to see it…Why don’t you come by the house tomorrow?”
    Gloria grinned.  “I’ll be there in the morning,” she promised.  Before Andrea could back up, Gloria reached her hand through the open window and touched Andrea’s arm.  “I know your parents are driving you nuts.  Just remember - it’s only temporary.” She paused.  “I like the idea of Alice coming to live with you.  You should really think about it.”
    Andrea promised she’d give it serious thought.  Gloria watched as her young friend pulled out of the drive and disappeared down the road. She sent up another small prayer for Andrea and patience as Mally and she wandered inside.
    Back inside the house, she picked up her cell phone that was lying on the table.  There was a text message.  It was from Paul.  “I thought you’d never ask!  When do you want me?  I’m free tonight.”
    Her heart skipped a beat.  It wouldn’t give her a lot of time to plan but that was beside the point.  Paul was coming over!
    With an improved mood, Gloria texted him to come by at 6:00 sharp and that she was making dinner. 
    She grabbed her purse from the chair, her keys from the rack and headed to the car.  The day was shaping up, after all!

Chapter 6
    Gloria’s first stop was the hardware store, Nails and Knobs .  She parked

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