Hot Property

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Book: Hot Property by Carly Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly Phillips
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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was the last time you were kissed?” he asked, staring at her moist lips.
    “Way too long,” she said as her eyes fluttered closed.
    He knew she had to be slightly tipsy, because he couldn’t imagine her letting her guard down this easily otherwise. Still, she’d seemed willing enough earlier in the evening before they were interrupted by the telephone.
    He had every intention of taking that next step with her now.

    AMY’S STOMACH FLUTTERED as she waited, delicious ripples of anticipation licking at her from deep inside. Roper’s eyes darkened and he lowered his head, slowly dragging out the anticipation until finally his mouth came down on hers.
    The initial touch set off more sparks. Spiraling whirlpools of desire started slowly and built larger, filling her from inside out. His kiss was silky smooth, the stuff of sensual dreams as he drew his mouth back and forth over hers and lulled her into a hazy stupor of wanting. She lifted her hands and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, something he seemed to appreciate because he slid his tongue over the seam of her lips, teasing her back and forth until she opened her mouth and let him inside.
    Her tongue tangled with his, matching every fantasy she’d ever had of him and providing even more. He ran his thumbs over her cheek, gently caressing her face while he ravished her mouth. She didn’t need food, not when she had this. Wanting to taste more of him, she curled her hands into the hair at the nape of his neck, then tilted her head back, giving him better access. He swept his tongue one last time around her mouth, then began a warm, wet trail of kisses down the side of her face, her neck, her throat, until his head came to rest on her chest just above her cleavage.
    Her heart pounded and her breasts felt full, her nipples tightening into hardened peaks at the thought of his wicked mouth suckling her hard. Moisture pooled between her legs, dampening her panties as desire pulsed through her body.

    “You taste sweet,” he said against her skin.
    She moaned. The sound tore from deep inside her at the same time the crowds cheered at the dropping of the ball.
    “Happy New Year,” she said, drunk with happiness.
    “Happy New Year.” He pulled back, and she tilted her head, smiling at him, expecting him to kiss her again. After all, the first time had been spectacular and he obviously wanted her, too.
    Instead, he pushed himself up and rose to his feet.
    “Where are you going?” she asked.
    “To get you a blanket so I can tuck you in. Much as it kills me, I’m going to be a gentleman.”
    She started to rise, then decided it was too much effort. She hadn’t had alcohol in a long time and the champagne had gone straight to her head. Of course, it could also be his kisses that made her feel light-headed and dizzy.
    “Sit tight,” he said, a sexy smile lifting his lips. “I’ll be right back.”
    Amy lay her head back against the couch and shut her eyes, waiting for him to return. Maybe she’d be able to pull him down so they could finish what they’d started. Her mind might be hazy, but she was clear on what she wanted.
    Amy wanted John Roper.

    AFTER HANGING UP WITH JOHN, Cassandra Lee opened the screen door to her patio and walked outside into the warm air. Although she had to leave in half an hour for the New Year’s party she was attending, she had some things to work out in her mind first. Family things. Personal things. Scary things.
    She paced the length of her outdoor pool. Normally the rhythm made by her small heels clicking against the stone provided a soothing sound that helped her think more clearly. But her life was truly overwhelming right now and she found it hard to concentrate.

    On the one hand, she had director Harrison Smith pressuring her not just to take the role he’d created for her but to let him back into her life. Her daughter was getting married, and instead of enjoying the planning, Cassandra felt more distant

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