Hot Property
round of questions.

    Chapter Five
    Mary volunteered to take over as Skylar’s
Realtor. No explanation as to why she was suddenly willing to take
on the task. Betsy didn’t press her luck by tossing her
    The next few days whirled by leaving Betsy
feeling more comfortable. She’d been so busy showing houses she
barely had time to give Skylar Blakewood more than a passing
thought. She was surviving just fine without him. With a little
luck, she might get used to the void deep within her.
    “You’re not going to like this.” Mary caught
Betsy late Friday afternoon when she came into the office after a
full day of showing houses.
    “Sounds like I better sit down.” Betsy
dropped into a chair in front of Mary’s desk. Braced for Mary’s
news, she proceeded. “Okay, give it to me.”
    “Skylar Blakewood wants to see you.”
    Betsy felt her throat closing, her body
plopped into a pressure cooker. As if that wasn’t enough, her
insides tingled with excitement. But she was determined to fight
all the powerful sensations invading her body.
    “Well I don’t want to see him.”
    “He made it sound like it was urgent.”
    Betsy sat tall in spite of her exhaustion.
But not so tired she was ready to cave in to this request. “Why
didn’t you tell him you’re representing him now?”
    Mary sat back in her seat and crossed her
thin arms over her chest. She almost looked like she was pouting
for being scolded. “I tried. But the man insisted on seeing you.
Six thirty tonight on the hill.”
    Don’t panic, Miss Sensible ordered. You can
handle him. Just remember to listen to your head instead of your
heart and you’ll do just fine.
    Betsy glanced at her watch. Five o’clock.
She had a five fifteen appointment. If she finished by six, she’d
have enough time to stop home, shower, and slip into something more
suitable for climbing that hill.
    The five fifteen appointment lasted longer
than Betsy had planned; leaving no time for the shower she needed,
more for revitalization than cleansing. She took time to change
into a tee shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
    It was already six-thirty by the time she
fired up the engine on her sports car and was on her way. Why
hadn’t she sent Mary to meet Skylar? How dare he insist she meet
him at six-thirty? What if she had another appointment? She didn’t,
but that didn’t mean she should be speeding toward that peak on the
hill. The hill the man snatched right out from under her. Unfair.
The man had no idea how desperately you wanted that land. If he
knew, would it have made a difference?
    As Betsy maneuvered the car around the last
curve in the road, she expected to see old Betsy parked alongside
the road.
    “Five minutes late and the guy takes off,”
Betsy said to herself after checking the digital clock on the
    But as she eased her foot off the
accelerator and coasted off the side of the road, she saw a dirt
road had been cut through the weeds and trees. Her gaze followed
its path up the side of the hill to the top where old Betsy was
    Betsy turned the steering wheel and gently
tapped the accelerator to start the climb. The entire time the car
crept upward, she had the air conditioner on high. A vent tilted
toward her face, blasting it with cold air in an attempt to relieve
the sudden heat wave bombarding her.
    She pulled in alongside the pickup, shut
down the engine and took a peak at herself in the rearview mirror.
The almond colored lipstick was smeared from her nervously biting
on the corner of her lip throughout the drive. She attempted to fix
it with a trembling fingertip. Her mascara appeared okay but her
hair had been blown every which way from the air conditioning. She
fixed it the best she could with her fingers before a sweaty palm
reached for the door handle just as the door opened.
    When Betsy peered up, she was looking into
his warm blue eyes.
    Skylar’s smile appeared as if he were
relieved to see her. “I was about to give

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