Hot Property
There’s no way I can deal
with that man.”
    “But I thought you worshipped him?”
    Mary blushed, her eyes getting that
starry-eyed look. “I think he’s gorgeous. He’s every woman’s
dream.” She quickly snapped out of her moment of fantasizing about
the man and looked straight into Betsy’s eyes. “How do you expect
me to talk business with the man when my mind stops functioning
every time I see him? I mean, I feel like a teenager with a crush
on my teacher.”
    Mary was Betsy’s best friend. She was the
only living soul she trusted explicitly. But she couldn’t tell her
what she felt for Skylar Blakewood was much more than a passing
crush. Besides, how could she tell her friend what she wasn’t ready
to accept herself? Knowing she was falling in love with the man
didn’t mean she had to accept it. And if she never saw him again
she had a good chance of never having to.
    “Come on, Mare. You know me and I just don’t
have the patience to deal with the man.” Betsy’s plea sounded
    “First Stephanie and now Skylar. You never
had trouble controlling your temper with clients before. So what
    “I never had clients like those two before.
Steph only threw some business our way to flaunt her wealth like
she’s been doing since high school when her mom married the rich
    “So what if the woman prides herself in
reminding us working class stiffs she’s well off now. I thought you
figured out she only acts that way around you because she knows it
drives you crazy.”
    “It shouldn’t make any difference if she’s
the richest witch on the planet now. That doesn’t give her the
right to act like she’s better than everyone else.”
    “You’ll never convince her of that.”
    “I don’t have to convince that woman of
anything any more. And I refuse to stoop to her level and remind
her she was poor like the rest of us before her mama snagged the
good doctor.” Betsy stood to head for her office.
    “So what’s the problem with Skylar? I know
the man didn’t give you the impression he puts himself above the
rest of the human race.”
    Mary’s words stopped Betsy in her tracks.
Now is your chance to tell her everything. Tell her about the kiss
last night, the fear of falling in love with the man.
    “I know you Betsy Alexander. You’re scared
of this guy, aren’t you?”
    Mary did know her better than anyone else,
Betsy conceded. But how could she know the truth? Yet she did.
Betsy couldn’t bring herself to tell her she was right, but hadn’t
a clue why.
    “Hate to disappoint you, but you don’t know
me at all if you believe such nonsense.”
    “If it’s nonsense then what’s the
    “I’d love to give you a list of all the
flaws in the man’s character, but I have calls to make.” Betsy told
her in a rushed voice and quickly ran up the steps to her office
before Mary could give a rebuttal.
    Betsy did have important calls to make. Her
voice mail loaded with calls during her morning bike ride. She had
a client she needed to see about signing an extension on his
listing agreement, due to expire today. But before she picked up
the phone and attempted to be cheerful, she needed a few minutes to
get a grip on her emotions.
    She raised her window blind in hope of
bringing a little sunshine inside. But the sky had become cluttered
with thick dark clouds. The sight only added to the gloomy feeling
that held Betsy prisoner. She closed the blind and made her way
behind the mess of paperwork covering her desk.
    It would take the entire morning just to
clear away the clutter in front of her. With the phone calls, she’d
be busy until early afternoon when she had appointments to show
houses every hour until six o’clock.
    Keeping busy, the medicine she needed to
ward off thoughts of Skylar Blakewood. An excellent way to avoid
Mary as well. Maybe tomorrow she could think of another way to
convince her partner to take on Skylar as her very own client
without a

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