Hot SEALs: Discarded Heart (Kindle Worlds; Danger Incorporated Book 2.5)
the bakery box. “Lying to yourself isn’t going to help this situation. You still love her and she still loves you. Why do you think you both stayed single all these years? I know there have been other women, Cal. You haven’t been a saint. Far from it, I’ll bet.”
    “I worked sixteen hours a day and she was busy raising a child. That’s why we’re alone and not because of some deep unrequited love. After all these years that would be ridiculous.”
    Alice Faulkner slapped the donut down on a plate and looked him right in the eye, making him stop pacing and face her. She was a formidable woman at all times but when she was intense like this she was a force to be reckoned with.
    “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have feelings for Mika and I’ll leave you alone.” He didn’t move a muscle, too confused about his feelings to make a denial but not sure he could call the swirling emotions that made him sick to his stomach love. “Go on, boy. Say it.”
    He couldn’t and that was a problem. A big one.
    He did love her. Now what in the hell was he going to do about it?

Chapter Eight
    IT WAS A quiet Sunday morning. Mika and Alex were enjoying breakfast in their sunny kitchen decorated in yellow and white. She rested her chin in her hands as she watched Alex demolish a stack of pancakes, her own untouched. She’d barely slept the last two nights as she’d tossed and turned in her bed, playing the kiss with Cal over and over until she thought she’d scream with frustration.
    It never should have happened and she’d be crazy to see something there that really wasn’t. Cal was probably bored and at loose ends here in Applewood, and kissing his old girlfriend seemed like a good idea at the time. He wouldn’t appreciate her building fantasies about love and forever based on a short kiss.
    But there had been tongue.
    He certainly hadn’t lost any of his skill. Making love with Cal had been the pinnacle of ecstasy and no other man had ever measured up the few times she’d tried to eradicate him from her mind. In other words, he knew his way around a female’s private parts. Especially hers, as she’d given him exclusive and unlimited access from the time they’d started dating to when they’d finally called it quits after his stint in the Navy and then joining the FBI.
    “Do you want more?”
    She pushed her own plate toward her son but he shook his head and shoved another bite in his mouth.
    “No. Is Kenny coming over to play this morning?”
    There wasn’t much left on the little boy’s plate although there was plenty of maple syrup smeared across his face. Her heart lurched in her chest as he grinned, reminding her so much of Sarah. Perhaps of his father as well, although she’d never know.
    Mika had never met Alex’s father and Sarah had only spoken of him a few times.
    “Yes, so you need to finish up your breakfast and pick up your toys.”
    Alex gave her a look that said Mika was crazy as it didn’t make any sense to clean up toys that were only going to be dragged out again, but the mother part of her was always trying to press for order despite all the chaos.
    “When do we get to help Cal again?”
    Mika’s fingers tightened on the warm coffee cup but she managed to keep her features neutral. Alex was too young to understand her inner turmoil when it came to Caleb Faulkner and it was her job to make sure the little boy didn’t get hurt along the way. Cal hadn’t said anything about staying in Applewood long term and already her son had a mighty big case of hero worship.
    “Soon,” she said noncommittally and then tried to change the subject. “What are you going to be for Halloween?”
    It was still early but Halloween was second only to Christmas for Alex and he loved picking out his costume each year.
    “I was thinking I would be a soldier. Or maybe a policeman. Did you know Cal was a soldier and a cop? Isn’t that cool, Mom?”
    “Very cool. What about the zombie costume you

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