Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)
song and suddenly there was a lot of swing dancing going on with cowboys dancing with swing girls and vice-versa.
    "Years ago there were two organizers for this. One loved country and the other swing dancing. They couldn't agree on the theme and so they set up half the hall in each and went for it. People loved it and now they do it every year to raise money for the historical society."
    "It's weird. And awesome."
    Katy returned with cocktails that were deep red and had pink sugar coated around the rims.
    "Called a fireball. You're not driving home tonight are you?"
    I sipped my cocktail. Berries. Raspberry, strawberry, but not too sweet. And a hit of alcohol strong enough to make me gasp. I immediately felt it warming me from within. If I had a few of these I'd be sleeping in Boris or dancing naked through the streets of Hot Springs.
    "Did she tell you the rules? Did you tell her the rules?" Katy did the mad pixie face at Tara and then turned to me.
    "Men ask girls to dance. It's polite to say yes. You don't have to but this is all about meeting new people. Speaking of new people, where are the men from yesterday?"
    I looked around but I didn't see Fen, Jake or Red. Not that there wasn't an abundance of hot men around the place. Everywhere you looked there was a tall handsome stranger. Most of them had gone with the cowboy look but there were a few kickass suits in there too.
    Then I saw Freyr. He was watching me from across the hall with those cold blue eyes. I caught his gaze and then immediately twirled on the spot, nearly spilling my drink.
    "Don't look but it's that tall guy from the cafe."
    Katy surreptitiously looked over by very cleverly openly gawping. Tara did the same.
    "He's cute. What's the matter with him?"
    I swallowed some of my drink. How would I explain what I'd felt? That he was dangerous and I wanted to get away from him but some deep part of me found him... alluring? That I was pretty sure he was a werewolf and not a good one like Red?
    "I don't know I just-"
    "He's coming over," Katy interrupted me.
    I froze on the spot and drained my fireball in a single giant gulp, the drink living up to its name as it burned down my throat and hit my stomach. I felt Freyr behind me and turned around.
    Handsome. Check. Tall. Check. Those eyes. Check. That unsettling feeling. Fucking check check check.
    "Care to dance, Ms. Finch?" He held out his hand to me. It was smooth and perfect. Not rough like Red's.
    Katy took my glass from me and without really being in control of my movements, I took Freyr's hand and followed as he led me out on to the dance floor. The fast-tempo swing song was still playing.
    "Do you know how to swing dance?"
    I nodded. Wolf got my tongue.
    We moved into the basic swing dance pattern. Freyr took my right hand and slipped his other around to touch my lower back. It was completely innocent but it felt wrong. We started a moment later. Rock-step kick. Rock-step kick. Twirl. I love swing dancing although I'm not that great at it. I have some moves but in swing dancing the guy leads and the girl follows.
    Freyr was tall, strong and sure. He spun me and twirled me and guided me around the floor and despite my seemingly innate aversion on some level to him, I started to enjoy myself. Not that I had my voice back yet.
    It was over all too quickly however when the song ended and a slow country ballad began. Dancers all around us transitioned to a gentle waltz and Freyr pulled me closer to him. I could smell his scent. He wasn't wearing any aftershave I could recognize. It was earthy and cold, like rock and dirt mixed together. Not unpleasant but not warm and spice like Red.
    "Why did you come to Hot Springs?"
    I looked up into his eyes to find him regarding me, his face nearly expressionless. He definitely wasn't smiling.
    "I'm here to write a book."
    "What about?"
    "Romance. Love. Betrayal."
    We continued to dance, moving slowly to the almost mournful music.
    "Why are you staying on Guile's

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