How to Be a Submissive Wife

How to Be a Submissive Wife by Jane Pearl

Book: How to Be a Submissive Wife by Jane Pearl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Pearl
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at her
meaningfully.  Seeing that she wasn’t paying attention, Joe signaled the
waiter for the check. “I think we should wrap this up and go back to our
condominiums.  Sarah looks like she might need to take a break before we
get together this evening.”
settling the bill, Joe asked Greg if the kids could go with him and Brandi to
their larger condo so they could play with their cousins while their mom took a
rest.  Greg readily agreed and told Sarah that he hoped she would feel
better soon.  Quaking inside, Sarah nodded and thanked him for his good
wishes.  Joe wrapped his hand around
her elbow and firmly led her outside.  They were silent during the long
walk to their condo.   Joe opened the door and led her down the
hallway and into their bedroom.  Joe reached into his suitcase and pulled
out the hairbrush.  “Do I need to tell you why I am going to use this?” 
Head lowered, Sarah shook her head no.  Sitting on the chair in the room,
Joe motioned for her to come to him.  She delicately lowered herself over
his lap.  Joe pulled down her tight fitting ski pants, exposing her white
bottom with the handle of the butt plug nestled between the cheeks. 
Leaning over to whisper in her ear he said, “I’m going to give you
twenty.  I warned you about this before we came here and not only did you
ignore me, you ignored me twice!  I will not stand for that.  I know
my sister in law is a sharp tongued bitch but you are no longer allowed to
enable her…do you understand?”  “Yes Sir.”  Her voice came out as a
squeak.  “Count the blows as I give them or I will start
over.”    His hand grabbed her ass and squeezed as he said
this.  “Yes Sir.”  She replied.  He lifted the hairbrush and
brought it down hard on her left butt cheek.  “One Sir.”  
He started a flurry of blows, one after the other.  Sarah kept the count
with a shaking voice starting to cry at count ten.  As he progressed to
number fifteen, she was sobbing uncontrollably but still managed to keep
count.  By count twenty her ass and thighs were bright red and throbbing
with heat.   Sarah dropped her head down as her tears dripped to the
floor.    Joe lifted her up and sat her on his lap.  “I don’t
want to see you regress after all you have done to improve your demeanor in the
last few months.  I know you and Brandi are friends, but I’m not going to
allow you to disrespect my brother.  Do you understand?”  Snuffling
against his throat Sarah replied, “Yes Sir.”   “Now I want you to
leave your pants down exposing your spanked butt and go to the corner and stand
there until I come to get you.  I want you to think about what you’ve done
and think how you can repair it.  When I come to get you, I want you to
make things right.  Do you understand?”  “Yes Sir.”  Sarah got
up and shuffled to the corner with her tight ski pants around her thighs. 
Joe admired his handiwork, looking at the throbbing red cheeks presented to
him.   “I’m going now.  I’ll be back in a bit to get you.” 
    After locking
the bedroom door, Joe walked over to Greg’s condo and joined the rest of the
family.  He made his apologies for Sara’s absence and said that he’d go in
and check on her in a little bit to see how she was doing.  After about
thirty minutes, he excused himself to go check on Sarah.  Opening their
bedroom door, he saw her standing in the corner plugged red ass on display, waiting for him.  He smiled to
himself and walked over to her.   Pulling her into his arms, he hugged
her and said.  “Good job Sweetie.  All is forgiven.  Do you know
what you need to do to make things right?”  She nodded her head against
his chest and said, “I need to apologize to Greg.”  “Yes you do
Honey.”  He hugged her closer and kissed the top of her head.  “Why
don’t you clean up your face and we can join everyone else?”  After
pulling up her pants, Sarah skipped to the

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