How to Seduce a Duke

How to Seduce a Duke by Kathryn Caskie

Book: How to Seduce a Duke by Kathryn Caskie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Caskie
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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danger of what he had opened himself and the babies to by sharing the story—recanted everything. Blamed it on the brandy and his penchant for storytelling,” Lilywhite sighed. “But we had only to look in his eyes to know his poignant words the night before had been the truth. So then, when he asked us that if anything were to happen to him, we would see to your future, we vowed we would.”
    “And so we shall.” Gallantine swallowed the last few drops of his brandy and settled the goblet on the tea table. “So we shall.”
    Lord Lotharian leaned forward, took Mary’s hand in his, and curled his fingers around it. “And there you have it, Miss Royle , the true story of your birth.”
    Mary felt numb.
    No, it is impossible. The story cannot be true. It cannot!
    It is far too outlandish. Far too grand.
    And yet, she had to admit to herself, there was a part of her that did believe.
    Wanted to believe.
    Oh, not the bit about being daughters of the prince.
    From everything she’d heard, Prinny was a spoiled, loathsome oaf, and good heavens, being found to be his child would be naught but an embarrassment to her—even if the same could hardly be said for her sisters.
    No, the part Mary longed to believe was her father’s heroic actions—even when it meant refusing to do as the queen commanded. Saving the babies, despite the very real threat of reprisal from the Crown, was in precise keeping with the character of her father. He was exactly the sort who would do whatever he could to save innocent lives.
    As Mary sat silently, considering these amazing revelations, she belatedly noticed that her sisters had her pinned with expectant gazes.
    “So, what say you, Mary?” Anne seemed very impatient with her for some reason.
    Had she missed a bit of conversation while mulling over her thoughts?
    “I can see that you are still not fully convinced.” Lord Lotharian pressed down on the chair’s wooden arms and hoisted himself up from its seat. “No matter.”
    The tall lean gentleman returned to his place beside the hearth and gestured for the other two elderly gentlemen to join him.
    For nearly a full minute, the Royle sisters sat quietly, their ears straining to overhear the low buzz of conversation taking place before the mantel.
    To her surprise, Mary caught her name mentioned, twice, but she could not understand any other part of what seemed to her to be a most serious conversation. At last the three old rakes rejoined the sisters.
    Lotharian smiled at each young lady in turn, then fixed his eyes upon Mary. “We shall begin with you, my dear, if that is acceptable.”
    What is this?
    “ Er ... begin what with me, my lord?”
    “Why, see to your future, gel. Promised Royle , I did, and despite my reputation... in other areas, I assure you, I always keep my word.”
    My future? No, no, no—
    Lord Lotharian took Mary’s gloved hand and drew her up from the settee. “Mrs. Upperton has seen to the preparations. Everything should have been delivered to your lodgings by now.”
    His eyes twinkled excitedly, making Mary wonder exactly what sort of readying Mrs. Upperton had done.
    “My town carriage will fetch you and your sisters from
Berkeley Square
nine o’clock
this eve for Lady Brower’s rout—where you and your sisters will be launched into London society.”
    Good heavens. Mary’s tongue felt thick in her mouth, but she somehow managed to lace together a few words of protest. “My lords, you are very kind, but we are not acquainted with Lady Brower.”
    Lord Lotharian waved his free hand dismissively. “My darling, you know no one in London . So you must trust my guidance.”
    He gestured to her sisters, then patted Mary’s hand and led her to the turning bookcase. “Your father bequeathed each of you a reasonable portion and sizeable dowry. You have the gentlemen of the Old Rakes of Marylebone to see to the rest. Yes, Miss Royle , by season’s end, as your guardian I vow to see you properly matched

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