you’re ready and they’re able to accept me as a suitor.” The warm, cerulean light that danced in Jaime’s eyes eased my tension. He had a way of calming me to my core. “Come over later.” “Sure. I'll just sneak out after dark.” I said, only half-kidding. “Then I could have you all to myself for the night?” Jaime was serious. “It's not like I can get away for a whole night Jaime.” I stared at him. “Somebody will notice if I don't come home.” “I promise to have you back before you turn into a pumpkin.” “Jaime, I....” “I'll have you back by dawn, I promise.” I wanted so much to say yes. I hadn't been to his apartment yet. And it would be a very welcome break from worrying about whether or not we'd be spotted in public. But getting out would be tricky. Was I really willing to sneak out of my house like some rebellious adolescent just to spend more time with him? I mulled over the idea. “I guess I could wait until everyone is in bed and then leave. But it might be late by the time my family is asleep. And I’ll have to walk to your place. I can’t start the car and drive away.” I gave voice to my plan as it formed in my thoughts. “Would you pick me up at the research center? I'll call you when I'm on my way and you can meet me.” “Can't wait.” He gave me one more desirous kiss and then left. A little piece of my heart aching, I watched the wheels of his vehicle carry off the person I most wanted to stay by my side.
~In dreams~
As a luminous Full Buck Moon punctuated the dark blanketing our yard, I sat on my bed and waited for the right moment to slip out. Soon as I was certain everyone was a sleep, I opened my window and carefully dropped with barely a thud. My window was just above the kitchen so no one should have seen or heard me. At nineteen, I was only now resorting to sneaking out of the house. Juvenile? Absolutely. But my fear of discovery grew proportionate to my feelings for Jaime. I was desperate to see him, to feel him next to me and just as desperate to not be found. And my ‘night out with Emily’ excuses were becoming seriously limited. This was how I rationalized it because if I let my thoughts linger too long on the truth, well... I just didn't want to think about it. So I didn't. I punched the numbers for Jaime’s phone as I approached the research center. Within minutes, his headlights made their appearance amongst the trees, competing for greater luminosity against the moon in the obsidian night. The contrast between light and dark was more apparent than ever. For some unknown reason, it struck a chord inside me. “Hey princess.” Jaime planted a kiss as soon as I slid into his Jeep. “Right.” I grinned. Princess was about as far from reality as possible. I much preferred muddy hiking boots and low-slung ponytails to high heels and glittering tiaras. I doubted Jaime would want me if I were high maintenance. “So I have you all to myself for the night.” He took my hand in the dark and curled his fingers around mine. It was crazy what affect his touch had on me. It was such a simple gesture yet it made me bubble from my toes up. We pulled into the off-street parking space for his apartment. Jaime led the way up creaking wooden steps to the side entrance. His apartment was on the second floor of an extra large old brick house that must have been converted into separate quarters after serving its original purpose. The apartment was small, more of efficiency than anything, though one person wouldn’t really need tons of space. The excitement of seeing his place for the first time was intoxicating. My eyes took in every little corner and nick-knack as if each was a piece to the puzzle that was my lover. Every little item in the place clued me in to who Jaime was when I wasn’t around. I examined pictures of Jaime and his brother at a lake, fishing poles in hand, facing into bright sunlight that crinkled their noses as they