Howl for Me
exactly where he planned on heading.
    Jeff darted to his car, knowing the odds were good one of his relatives was after him. Whether it was one of the good ones or bad ones he wasn’t sure, but his radar was rarely off. Someone was on his ass, and it wasn’t Fen.
    He made it to the car and hopped in.
    “Hey, Jeff.”
    For the first time in his life he screamed like a little girl.
    Jamie giggled in the seat next to him. “Man, I love these new powers.”
    “Fuck you.” Jeff peeled out of the spot and almost ran Travis over. “The Samantha Stevens act is gonna get old after a while.”
    Jamie wriggled her nose at him and he almost laughed. Almost. “Did you honestly think you’d get to go out by yourself?”
    “Being three and all, I’m surprised you let me take out my Big Wheel.”
    “Fuck you too, ya big asshole.” Jamie punched him in the arm, and it wasn’t a little love tap, either. “Who’s gonna do the deed?”
    Pictures of Fen topping him danced through his head. Not something he would ever discuss with his baby sister. “What deed?”
    “Gutter, meet mind. Mind, gutter.”
    Jeff was about to pop open her door and shove her out into Center City traffic. After all, she’d heal, thanks to the blood she’d shared with Logan. He contented himself with a low growl, knowing his mom would cap him one if he hurt Jamie. “Could you answer the question, please?”
    She turned on the radio and began bopping her head to the music. “Who do you want to share blood with?” He almost missed the turn-off for Broad Street. “Think carefully. You share with Logan, you could get fire magic, like Jordan, or healing, like me. Or shapeshifting. You share with Kir, you’ll be immortal. You share with Tyr, you might get light magic, or whatever the hell else he can do that I’m still trying to pry out of him.”
    “Use more sex.”
    She stared out the car window. “Wow! Look at your brain roll down the street! Wonder what’ll happen when it lands at City Hall.”
    “Please. You know how many brains are in the gutter over there?” He almost smiled when she giggled. “Why did they pick you to bodyguard me? All out of Hel-hounds?”
    “Har-de-har-har. Dickhead. Just for that I’m deleting all your saved Vincente pictures.”
    “Hey! No need to be mean.” Jeff grinned, already beginning to feel better.
    “You could share with Fen.”
    He shot her a look. “Sure I could. I could also introduce his furry ass to an Epilady.” She sputtered, choking on a laugh. “Seriously. I was watching Animal Planet and they showed this really ugly dog. It only had hair on its head and its tail. I bet Fen could rock that look. It would be like the doggie version of a reverse Mohawk.” He allowed an evil grin to cross his face. “You should have seen the look on his face when he saw it. Horr-i-fied.”
    She laughed so hard she started crying.
    He pulled up outside the brownstone his parents owned. For all Grimm and Sons made shit-tons of money, his parents had never lived rich. His mom hadn’t wanted to move out of her neighborhood to the ’burbs, and his father had agreed to accommodate her because he adored the ground the woman walked on.
    He wondered now how much of that was because he knew she’d die long before he did.
    Jeff found a parking spot and slid in neat as a pin. Together, the twins headed for the most important woman in their lives.
    Jeanne Grimm, aka Mom.
    Fen was still staring at the front door of his father’s condo an hour later, waiting for his mate to come back. He’d been a fool, and his father had let him know it in no uncertain terms. The glowing terms Loki—no, he was Logan now, and Fenrisùlfr was proud to call himself Fenris Saeter. The glowing terms Logan had painted Jeff in would have made things worse if he hadn’t sensed the underlying affection was more filial than anything.
    Then Baldur, or Kir as he now preferred to be called, had taken over, telling him about how Jeff had stood by

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