Hunter's Beginning (Veller)

Hunter's Beginning (Veller) by Garry Spoor Page A

Book: Hunter's Beginning (Veller) by Garry Spoor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Garry Spoor
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debate it as she looked around for something to defend herself with. She couldn’t turn back, turning back meant failure. She may survive but she would end up married to Pordist Tallon and that wasn’t much better than a gulrik.
    She grabbed the only thing she could find, a rock, since there were quite a few of them scattered on the ground, and she threw it at the first glowing pair of eye that she saw, it struck him dead in the head and he went down hard actually taking two more of the creatures with him, but there were three more behind them. Kile quickly picked up another rock and threw that one as hard as she could, but her aim was sorely lacking and it went wide. She was reaching for a third stone when another one flew past her as it bounced off the chest of the gulrik. The creature was staggered but only for a moment as it continued to charge, holding over its head what appeared to be a rusted sword.
    Soon more rocks came flying past as more boys took up the assault, but it was very one sided as the rocks did little to deter the destructive nature of the gulrik.
    The creatures came in on both sides, there was no tactics to their attack, there never was . It was all out aggression. Kile waited until they got closer and then threw another stone, striking one on the side of the head. It spun as it went down giving her enough time to run out and grab the rusted sword that it had been wielding. She poised to deliver the killing blow but faltered, she had never killed a living creature before and she couldn’t bring herself to kill this one. One could argue that the gulrik wasn’t a natural living creature, but it didn’t matter, she backed away, still holding the sword in both hands, never taking her eyes off the gulrik that was even now beginning to stir. It rose slowly, but was too dazed to even notice Kile. It staggered for a bit before another stone hurled by another boy put it out of its misery.
    The gulrik slowed their assault and actually retreated just beyond some imaginary line that only they could see. Kile surveyed the room. A lot of the boys were already down. Whether they were dead or not, she couldn’t tell. Were these the ones that failed the test? It seemed rather final she thought. Most of the other boys were standing with their backs pressed against the wall. That would mean that they were the ones that passed, it just didn’t seem fair.
    Off to her right Daniel was helping a few of the wounded. Alex had said that Daniel had the ability to heal as she watched him lay his hand upon the forehead of one of the injured boys, but it didn’t appear to be working as well as he thought it should. There was a look of confusion on the young man’s face. Kile began to move slowly in his general direction, she knew she couldn’t be a front line fighter if she didn’t have the instinct to kill, but she might be able to give Daniel a hand.
    Suddenly the ground began to shake more violently than before, and she heard the familiar sound of bare feet on stone again, only this time it was a lot louder, as they were larger feet.
    From out of the darkness, beyond the gulrik another threat emerged, and Kile didn’t need anyone to tell her what these were. The valrik had come. Valrik were larger, faster, stronger and if possible meaner and uglier than their gulrik cousins. Each valrik stood just over six feet tall with long narrow heads and large mouths filled with razor like teeth. Small black eyes and large ears that lay flat against the sides of their bald heads. They were the foulest of creatures. They had no regard for life or the imaginary line that the gulrik had stopped at. They charged the ranks of the cadets tossing them aside like rag dolls.
    Kile saw one moving toward Daniel and the wounded. She reacted without thinking as she ran alongside the valrik, throwing herself between it and Daniel. It was a clumsy attempt to stop it and she really wasn’t sure how she was actually going to do it, but she grabbed

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