Hunter's Beginning (Veller)

Hunter's Beginning (Veller) by Garry Spoor Page B

Book: Hunter's Beginning (Veller) by Garry Spoor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Garry Spoor
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at it and wrapped herself around one of its legs. As it tripped over her, it came down hard, landing on the stone floor and on Kile, knocking the wind out of her. Carter was there within seconds with a large rock to quickly finish it off. He grabbed the fallen valrik’s weapon and even gave Kile a nod of approval as she staggered to her feet. At least that was something she thought as she retrieved her own rusted sword from beneath the dead creature.
    Before she could reach Daniel she heard Alex cry out and quickly scanned the room for the smaller boy, she found him, and then she found him again and then once more. There was three of him and they were all trying to stay out of the reach of a very large valrik with a very large blade. Kile wasn’t sure if she was actually seeing three Alexes or if being landed on by a five hundred pound behemoth addled her brain.
    By the time she had reached them, the valrik had already taken out one Alex, while the other two were trying desperately to escape as they dodged around one of the many columns. Alex didn’t die so much as he just disappeared as the sword sliced through him, which bewildered both the creature and Kile but not for long. The valrik turned quickly and brought the large blade down again, cleaving yet another Alex it two, that one disappeared also.
    The third and the last Alex was all too real and all too scared as he scrambled to get away. The blade came down again and this time it met with the rusty sword held by a rather surprised Kile. The connection felt as if it shattered every bone in her body as it drove her to her knees. Her first thought was how did I get here? Her second thought was how do I get out of here?
    “Get back Alex !” She cried as she tried to maintain her grip on the hilt of the blade that was now actually bending under the shear weight of the valrik as it pushed down harder. He was larger than she was, he was stronger than she was and she knew that this wouldn’t end well. It broke off and swung at her again and again she held up the sword to absorb the blow, but this time it wasn’t enough. She felt the sword shatter in her hands, and the last thing she saw was the valrik’s large cleaver blade heading directly for her head.
    There was no blow, no pain, and by all accounts she should be dead, and as far as she could tell, she wasn’t. Kile slowly opened one eye then the other. She was no longer staring at a valrik, but at a tall thin man dressed in flowing yellow robes.
    Great, j ust what she needed, another mystic.
    He had a narrow face with a pair of wire rimmed glasses perched upon a thin pointed nose. His eyes were rather small and sunken giving him a very sallow appearance. His hair, what he had of it, was a sliver white and grew in tufts around the ears leaving his head completely bald.
    She had no idea where he had come from, why he was there or how he had gotten there in the first place. At first she had thought that maybe he was there to save her, but he appeared to be more interested in a piece of parchment that he was reading than with her, so she ruled that scenario out quickly. She looked to see if Alex was alright and that was when she realized she was no longer where she thought she was. Not only was Alex missing, but the entire room was gone.
    Kile was sitting in the middle of a completely white chamber. The ceiling, the walls, even the floor was completely white. There didn’t appear to be any texture on any of the surfaces, sort of like a room of mirrors, yet they didn’t reflect anything. There were no windows or doors not even a piece of furniture, save for a small wooden box and the two overstuffed wing backed chairs, the one she was seated upon and the one across from her where the mystic in yellow sat reading his parchment. Alex, Daniel, Carter, the boys, the valrik, even the gulrik were all gone. She never did like the mystic arts.
    “Ah yes, you’re finally awake.”

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