Hunter's Blood

Hunter's Blood by Erica Hayes

Book: Hunter's Blood by Erica Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Hayes
the insane pleasure. Her soul sparkled, overflowing, like an empty hole within her was now filled. She felt… complete.
    He stirred, kissing her shoulder. She murmured in protest as he started to rise. "Luka, stay."
    "What for?"
    Her heart skipped. "Huh?"
    He pulled his trousers on and tightened the buckles, his magnificent body shimmering with magic in sparkling moonlight. "No need to pretend. Thanks for the pick-me-up. We can keep it our secret, if you like."
    "Our secret? Luka, what are you…" Her voice died. At his throat, his bloodstone shone, dazzling. More alive than she'd ever seen it, the deep red color throbbing with power, electric blue sparks crackling over its facets.
    Her sparks. Her magic. She'd shared with him, and now he was more powerful than ever.
    Her hand flashed to her throat, and her heart clenched. Her own bloodstone stung her palm, cold. Barely pulsing.
    She swallowed, rough like broken glass. Normally, this was what she wanted. A good time and good-bye. So why was this different? "But you… I thought we…"
    He laughed, a hard, calculating edge that tore her heart. "Look at you, trying not to hurt my feelings. I'm a big boy, Santangelo. You don't have to pretend there's anything between us. That demon is one nasty son of a bitch. I needed your magic. Now I've got it. And we both enjoyed the hell out of it. Am I right?"
    "You stole it." Her heart cracked, and bled dry, and stupidly she cursed, her magic flickering only weakly. What an idiot. To think a man like him would ever want her for herself. "You stole my magic! How could you?"
    "You gave it to me, remember?" Luka laughed at her expression, the hot green eyes that had ignited such desire inside her now cruel and cold. "Come on, Santangelo. What did you think? That I just wanted to sleep with you? No offense, but sexy girls like you come in six-packs around here. Your power's all I ever wanted. If we'd only had the chance to finish five years ago, I wouldn't be in this mess." He shrugged, and reached for his leather chestplate, blue sparks showering from his hair. "Still, never too late. And I've gotta say, that was a world-class screw. No hard feelings, huh?"
    Tears burned Gina's eyes. She scrambled up, fumbled on her shirt and pants, and ran.
    He didn't follow. Didn't call after her. Didn't even look up.
    Outside in the darkened street, heat scorched her skin, and even at night the hot pavement burned her bare feet. The moon glared in her eyes, making her head ache, and the acrid city pollution made her retch. But the pain paled compared to the agony in her heart.
    Her mind tumbled, torturing her with images, sensations, the memory of his touch, the way her heart melted when he whispered those words in her ear.
    All lies.
    He'd never wanted her. Never cared for her. Even that story about his captivity in hell was probably bullshit. He'd just lied so he could steal her magic. And like an infatuated schoolgirl, she'd believed him.
    For a few precious moments, she'd thought she'd known his love. And now it was gone, ripped from her soul by his lies.
    Acid tears blinded her, and the remnants of her magic howled in anguish, deafening.
    She barely noticed when the air split open above her like a ripe orange thrown against a wall.
    Vile demon laughter caressed her. Horror crawled cold over her skin as the monster snaked down and yanked her off her feet.
    She struggled weakly, yelling, but too late. Her magic had failed her. Luka had abandoned her. She couldn't fight anymore. Didn't want to fight. Not without him…
    The air rippled, and the monster crawled its tentacles over her, dragging her through the torn hellflux into hell.
    Brimstone stung her nostrils raw, and she screamed, her reflexes springing at last into action.
    But the creature's horrid suction pulled at her limbs, pinning her arms, inescapable. She struggled, scrabbling for her knives. But she'd left them at Luka's. She couldn't break free.
    "Stupid girl," the thing hissed as it

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