Hunting the Shadows

Hunting the Shadows by Alexia Reed

Book: Hunting the Shadows by Alexia Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Reed
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caught. J.C. looked over at Cameron who was currently twisting small balls of flame through his fingers. “You and Stefan have video duty. I want anything suspicious noted. First victim was found nine years ago. Start around then.”
    “Like hell. I should be running this task force. Not you.” Stefan stepped forward, fisted hands lowered to his sides. “I’m not going to sit and watch videos that have already been combed through. You’re not my superior, you egotistical asshole.”
    “You don’t have to like it, but you will do what I say.” J.C. moved forward, going toe to toe with the man. “Have a problem? Take it up with your father.”
    “This isn’t over,” Stefan growled.
    “Actually, it is. Do you really want to risk subordination, Gurvitch?”
    “You might want to stop spreading everyone’s time so thin by going after every non-existent piece of evidence. When the killer goes after you, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.” The door slammed shut as Stefan stormed out.
    A headache cracked across his forehead. “Anyone else have something to add to Stefan’s assessment? If so, do it now.”
    “He’s right you know.” Mackenzie met his stare as she rose to her feet. “If there was anything on those videos, we’d have found it by now.”
    He reached for a stack of files and the photos, laying them out on the conference table before him. At the last one, he frowned. Leila. He should feel something about her, about her death, but he didn’t. Shrugging the confusion off, he looked around the room. “Perhaps we never noticed it because we weren’t looking for anything suspicious before. Want to pick up where Stefan left off before his temper tantrum?”
    “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
    “Mackenzie, go. If I need you I’ll find you in Medical. We aren’t going to agree on this. Stefan is wrong and so are you.”
    “You don—”
    “Stop it, the two of you!” Ajay slapped her hands on the table. “The Psychic Vampire is out there and he’s not going to wait while you guys figure out what you’re doing. Right now, he probably already knows who he’s targeting next. We don’t have the time for you three to bicker like little kids who haven’t had their naps.”
    “Ajay—” Mackenzie began.
    “No,” she interrupted again. “I’m tired of your fighting. After we find this monster you can fight. Right now, we need to focus. Sit back down, please .”
    Although she rolled her eyes, Mackenzie slid back into her chair.
    “Ajay’s right.” Rick propped his arm behind his head. “Once the killer’s been caught, you can take my brother out back and challenge him. Beat yourselves to bloody messes if it’ll make the two of you feel any better, but right now, we have other problems to deal with.”
    J.C. slanted a glare to the other Gurvitch in the room. “What are you doing here? You’re not an agent.”
    “You mean even though I know the secret handshake and have the tattoo, I’m not allowed to join the big boys?” The man smiled and flashed the tattoo at his wrist. “I’m being helpful and honestly, you need all the help you can get. You can’t afford to tell me to get lost.”
    “Whatever.” J.C. reached for the marker again and moved over to the whiteboards. “Why would anyone use obsidian on a knife?”
    Ajay frowned. “What do you mean?”
    “The killer uses a knife edged with obsidian. Is there’s any significance to it?” The memory of the knife flitted a moment, slamming up against a wall. As much as he tried, he couldn’t remember how he knew. He just did.
    “That’s not in any report.” Darilynn frowned.
    J.C. shook his head. “No, it’s not.”
    Rick leaned forward. “Obsidian is used to ward off negative energy. People wear it to protect themselves.”
    To protect against those with psychic abilities? “Find me documentation on obsidian and its known uses,” J.C. said. “Moving on, what do we know about the victims?”

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