I Am The Wind
Gently, I push one finger inside, feeling his cock swell, seeing his hips rise as he welcomes the intrusion.
    “Ah, ah, ah…”
    “Tell me to stop if it hurts,” I say.
    But he doesn’t, and I carry on, easing my finger in and out while pumping his cock with unhurried movements. It’s so gentle, so fucking sublime that my balls retract and my cock strains for his hand.
    I want to come and he hasn’t even touched me.
    As though he knows, Alfie takes one hand from behind his head and reaches down, fingers closing around my hard-on. Freeing his other hand, he takes the lube and squeezes a glob on the tip of my cock, smoothing the moisture down, the tube falling onto the sheets. He moans again, and I join him with one of my own, my throat tight with emotion. This is how it’s meant to be. Not a spiteful taking, a ramming into an arsehole with no thought to pain.
    I close my eyes, listening to the sound the lube makes as our cocks are worked over. It’s a turn-on, that noise, like the sound his mouth might make when he sucks my dick. Our positions are awkward, but I don’t want to move in case it breaks the spell. The scent of the lube, some spicy effort that fills my nose and sends me lightheaded, helps relax me, and I give in to what he’s doing.
    It doesn’t take long before the burn begins, before my bollocks ache and his hand tightens around me. I do the same to him, upping my pace to let him know I want him to copy my movements. Together, we add speed, and I hope he’s doing the same as me, jerking faster, harder, so we come as soon as possible.
    There’s no turning back now. I’ve reached the point of no return, where, when I come, spots will fill the blackness beneath my eyelids and I give a hoarse shout. It’s there, right there , the tingle at the root of my cock that’ll spread up to the head. It does, fast and furious. I open my eyes and watch cum streak out, stretching my slit and landing on the hairs around his dick, landing on his dick. As I release a second stream, Alfie spurts his first, his guttural moans loud and rusty, his hips rising to shove his cock deeper into my hand. I strengthen my hold to give him maximum tightness, the soft beat of cum travelling up his cock insistent on my palm.
    “Fuck, we’re there,” I shout. “Fucking there. Shit. Fucking shit!”
    “It’s…I’m…oh, Jesus fuck!”
    His words, his inability to make sense brings on another jet from me, and shit, that feels so damn good. It hurts yet at the same time it doesn’t, and I’m beyond able to understand why that is. It doesn’t matter. Just doesn’t fucking matter.
    My hips spasm, the lube clacks, and our cocks slide effortlessly in our hands. At the same time we slow, breaths stuttering, choked. The lump in my throat returns, and I glance sideways at Alfie, pleased as fuck he’s looking back at me with a sated smile.
    We’re going to make it, aren’t we? This is going to work. We’ll get through the best we can, two broken souls together, patching up our shattered emotions, healing one another.
    “I’m going to love you forever, Alfie, you know that, don’t you?”
    He nods. Smiles wider.
    And shit, I’ve done it. Broken us free.
    I am the wind.
    Sarah writes in many genres. Her love of fantasy and historicals often features in her het work as Natalie Dae, but in her m/m she prefers “blokey” books where the men are like those she knows. She leans toward the highly erotic but on occasion writes stories with minimal sex. She lives in England with her adorable husband and children. She’s also head of art for a publishing company, runs a book review site, and you can find out all about her and her many names at www.emmyellis.com

Mane Attraction
Grave Findings
Beautiful Sunset
Secret Society
Vampiric Desire
Afire: Shimmer
Afire: Wildfire
Afire: Inferno
Afire: Burning
Afire: Glimmer
Afire - Complete

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