I Know I've Been Changed
the assistant producers, what was going on.
    “Girl, this guy overpowered a guard in a prison work-release program in Huntsville and escaped. They say he’s from Arkansas and a dangerous felon. He supposedly killed four people.” Keria’s wide eyes remained glued to the set.
    I felt my throat dry up. I was so grateful no one knew I was from Arkansas.
    “You know, I feel sorry for his family,” Keria said, shaking her head. “I don’t understand what kind of upbringing breeds a cold-blooded killer.”
    I could barely talk. Kevin’s mother, my aunt Ola, my mother’s oldest sister, was a churchgoing, God-fearing woman. She had done her best to raise her one girl and eight boys. But seven of the boys turned out terrible. And her only daughter, Nikki, was the biggest slut this side of the Mississippi. I wondered if Aunt Ola had any idea it was to this extreme with Kevin. This would kill her.
    “Rae, are you all right?” Keria asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
    “What? Oh, yeah. I’m fine. I-I just have to get back to work.”
    “I think the whole newsroom is on an official break while they watch America’s Most Wanted, ” Keria joked.
    But I was in no laughing mood. That was my cousin, a wanted murderer/bank robber/escapee/God-only-knew-what-else, speeding down the highway.
    I moaned as I walked back into my office. I couldn’t bear to watch anymore. If I ever needed confirmation that getting away from my relatives was the best thing that had ever happened to me, this was it.

Chapter 8
    I was still stunned over seeing Kevin this morning and had been holed up in my office all day trying to get my bearings about me.
    I wondered if Aunt Ola knew; a question that was answered as soon as I checked the voice mail messages in my office.
    “Raedella, it’s Mama Tee. Just letting you know your cousin Kevin done up and broke out of jail,” Mama Tee said in the message. “He robbed a bank, hurt some folks and we heard he was down your way. Lord, Ola ’bout to lose her mind. If you see that boy, you ask him what in the world is he thinking and tell him to take his butt back to that prison. Oh yeah, Shondella got promoted to manager at Jr. Food Mart and Mrs. Miller gon’ have to have her leg cut off. I told her that diabetes was gon’ get her if she didn’t take care of herself. You call me back and—” My machine cut her off. Her message actually made me smile. Not only because she just kept calling me with these crazy family updates, but I wondered if she actually thought I’d see Kevin—other than video of him running from police.
    I shook my head as I deleted the message. I was contemplating whether I should call Mama Tee back when I glimpsed up to see Simone standing in my doorway. She had a hesitant look across her face.
    “Yes, what is it, Simone?”
    She looked like she wanted to say something but didn’t know whether she should.
    “Can’t you see I’m busy?” Actually I wasn’t. I was about to read the latest issue of Essence . But she didn’t need to know that. “If you have something to say, spit it out.”
    “I…I was just wondering if you would take a look at my audition tape and give me some feedback,” she stammered.
    So I was right on target. She did want to be on air. Probably wanted my job. I frowned up at her.
    She spoke again. “It’s just, well, I respect your work and would love to, umm, get some constructive criticism on how I can improve.”
    I leaned back in my chair. The girl was brave. Part of my persona as this high-powered diva was being unapproachable, yet she still felt compelled to come ask for my opinion. If she wasn’t trying to take my job, I might have some admiration for her. Might. “I don’t know, Simone. I’m really busy.”
    Simone stepped into my office, a pleading look across her face. “I know that, so just whenever you get around to it, if you could maybe take a look at it…”
    I sighed, making sure my irritation was evident.

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