If Only You Knew

If Only You Knew by Denene Millner Page A

Book: If Only You Knew by Denene Millner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denene Millner
Tags: Fiction
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him meet everyone, get the folks used to him—spend some time.”
    And with that, Donald straightened his tie, smoothed down his eyebrows with a little of his spit, kissed his man, and joined the choir line.
    â€œLord, I love it when a plan comes together,” he giggled.

    â€œTell me again how the two of you are related,” Rhea shouted as every male Brookhaven student lost his God-given mind at the sight of Lauren dropping her booty down to “scrub the ground” during the freestyle portion of the varsity dance squad’s performance at the final football pep rally of the season.
    Sydney just shook her head. “You know, I ask myself the same damn question at least three times a day,” she replied dryly with an eye-roll.
    â€œNot to be funny, but there are a lot of full-time strippers that would be very intimidated right about now,” Carmen added as the squad collectively shook their moneymakers until the entire student body worked itself into a frenzy.
    â€œWhat can I say? The girl’s got gifts,” Sydney offered sarcastically as the squad wrapped up their routine. Moments later, the entire Brookhaven football team came charging out to the center court of the gymnasium through a huge paper banner, and pandemonium erupted.
    Distracted by the contagious energy that filled the room, the three girls momentarily forgot about Lauren’s courtside antics and jumped to their feet along with the rest of the students. “Brookhaven! Brookhaven! Brookhaven!” they chanted at the top of their lungs while waving baby-blue-and-silver miniature pom-poms. Just when the noise threatened to wake the dead, Coach Wiggins strode out to the center of the floor, grabbed the mike, and started introducing the starting players by name and position.
    â€œGirl, Jason Danden is looking H-O-T in those tight-assuniform pants,” Rhea hissed as Jason was introduced to the audience.
    â€œSee now, I don’t know about your sister, but that boy right there…I can just look at him and tell he’s got gifts,” Carmen said as she and Rhea exchanged knowing looks.
    â€œYou guys are so scandalous,” Sydney replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible while sneaking a peek at Jason’s ample package.
    â€œSure, like you never noticed,” Rhea teased as she attempted to poke Sydney on the side. Super ticklish, Sydneyimmediately doubled over to protect her most sensitive areas. “Come on, admit it,” Rhea said, reaching in again.
    â€œOkay, okay,” Sydney giggled, straightening up. “Maybe once, from a distance, I might have thought—”
    â€œAnd something tells me that you’d have no problem seeing it from a distance,” Carmen cut her off with another perverted innuendo. “But the real question is, what would you do with it if you got up close?”
    Sydney gasped and immediately looked around to see if anyone was listening to the X-rated conversation. Seated in the coveted bleacher seats directly behind the cheerleading squad, Sydney and her girls were in a prime location to see everything happening as well as to be seen by others. Just the way Sydney liked it.
    â€œShoot, I’ll tell you what I would do,” Rhea continued devilishly, rubbing her hands together.
    â€œYeah, okay, you tell me and I’ll be sure to tell Tim.” Sydney easily flipped the script on her homegirl. “‘Cause I’m not sure that will go over real well with your Mr. Starting Shortstop.”
    â€œWhatever,” Rhea pouted. “Tim Collins is so not my man.”
    â€œThat’s not what the YRT photos of the two of you at the Gala were saying,” Carmen countered with a sly grin as she moved her pumpkin-colored Chloe bag up onto the bench from between her feet.
    â€œDamn that Web site,” Rhea grumbled good-naturedly. “They stay putting folks on blast!”
    â€œJust the scandalous ones,”

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