If Only You Knew

If Only You Knew by Denene Millner Page B

Book: If Only You Knew by Denene Millner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denene Millner
Tags: Fiction
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Carmen mused knowingly.
    â€œAll I can say is, welcome to the club,” Sydney offered with a sympathetic grin. Since the breakup, Sydney could depend on an unflattering mention on the regularly updated site at least once every other day.
    â€œI hear ya,” Rhea said just as Coach Wiggins wrapped up the rally with the opening bars of the Brookhaven school song. Within moments, the entire room was singing along at the top of their lungs. As soon as the song ended, the students rushed down to center court to pile on top of the school mascot and help pump up the team for Monday night’s game.
    Opting to wait for the rush to die down, the girls sat back down. “Gotta say,” Carmen mused as she reapplied her sparkly Lancôme Juicy Tube lip gloss, “I love the fact that we get a half day off because of the pep rally for a losing team.”
    â€œGood point,” Rhea agreed, running her fingers through the new layers in her hair. “God bless football.”
    Sydney snorted playfully as she continued to watch the slowly thinning crowd from their perch. On the opposite side of the gym, she spotted Marcus and his boys sitting at the top of the bleachers looking very self-important as they sneered down at the excited crowd on the floor. Sydney shook her head as his favorite phrase, “Pep rallies and athletics events are entertainment for the simpleminded,” ran through herhead. Ironically, his hypocritical ass never missed one. On the edge of all the commotion, Jason stood laughing and talking to his co-captain, Andre Brown. Even from a distance, it was obvious how well he filled out his entire uniform. Having both boys in one place at the same time started to make Sydney feel claustrophobic. She took a deep breath to settle her nerves. “You ladies ready?” she asked as the crowd finally dispersed enough for them to make their way to the exit. Sydney really wanted to get out of the gym before the dance squad returned to the nearby bench to pick up their things.
    â€œAnd willing,” Carmen replied, picking up her bag.
    â€œIs it too early for South City Kitchen?” Rhea questioned as she tucked her crisp white shirt into the high-waisted top of her Marc Jacobs jeans.
    â€œYes, greedy,” Sydney replied sweetly. “It’s only one o’clock. Can we please try to have something a little healthier for lunch?”
    â€œWhat are you saying, Syd? I thought greasy fried chicken was good for me,” Carmen said teasingly as she stood up and carefully stepped down to the gym floor. “Or is that only when it comes with a plate from the Waffle House?”
    Sydney shook her head. “Note to self: Must get Carmen on a comedy tour immediately,” she chuckled, bending over to pick up her pom-poms and simultaneously causing her oversized YSL bag to swing around and smack the person standing below in the head.
    â€œOuch,” Dara yelped loudly, drawing the attention of her approaching fellow squad members.
    â€œOh, I’m so, so—” Sydney reflexively began to apologize before realizing who she’d actually hit.
    â€œYou need to pay more attention to the people around you,” Dara snapped dramatically.
    â€œWhatever, Dara, you know that was an accident,” Carmen replied as Sydney searched for a way to get down from her seat without stepping into the middle of the half-circle of girls ogling for a view.
    â€œI mean, you and I both already know what sleeping on the job with Marcus got you,” she grinned evilly at Sydney. “Then again, maybe I should thank you for that one, huh, Syd?”
    Noticeably stunned, Sydney’s bottom jaw dropped open. “Do you have no shame?” she asked incredulously at Dara’s thinly veiled implication. She instinctively looked across the room at Marcus, who was oblivious to the escalating drama.
    â€œLike, seriously, do we all need to know you’re such a dry-mouthed slut,”

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