Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One

Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One by L. C. Mills

Book: Ignite Me: Shards of Glass, Part One by L. C. Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. C. Mills
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you’re going the right way about it! The fact is regardless of who he is or isn't, he's at work and should keep a level of professionalism about him!” He stabbed at the stake of veil with his steak knife.
    “I'm not trying to provoke you at all! I just think different to you!” I rolled my eyes as I dipped the bread into the oil and bit into.
    “Oh wow this tastes so good!” I closed my eyes and moaned a little. I had a love for artisan bread.
    “You’re not all that different, when it comes down to it Evangeline your just like me and don't try to deny it! Also rolling your eyes is rude!”
    A shudder ran through my whole body, the intense way had said it coupled with how he was looking at me scared me. I frowned. I couldn't be bothered to discuss it anymore, so I just didn't say a word. I finished my bread and then picked up my fork and eyed the salt up. I had a bad habit of putting too much salt on. I placed a piece of pasta into my mouth and chewed it. The flavours were divine it didn't need salt.
    “Do you want to try some of my stake its good!” He grinned as he held it out on the end of his fork for me. A peace offering.
    I wanted to say no, that I didn't agree with veil in general, but it was a small piece and be looked so pleased when I didn't say no so just allowed him to feed me.
    He smiled from ear to ear as I chewed it.
    It actually tasted good! The sauce was flavoursome. “Mm, that's actually really nice! Thank you.” I grinned at him.
    “Glad you liked it! I'll have to introduce you some more new food types! I get the feeling you live off instant noodles and pre packed fruit!” He shook his head.
    I couldn't deny it because it was true, I did. That and energy bars. “But Cameron instant noodles are like 0% fat though!” I shrugged.
    He looked genuinely horrified. “You need looking after! You can't live off that kinda thing forever! I'll take your grocery shopping!”
    I reeled. I didn't mind being told I needed to be looked after because he was entitled to his own opinion about my lifestyle, but I disliked that he'd taken it upon himself to insist on buying me food! I wasn't poor, I didn't need his charity.
    “I am more than capable of shopping for my own food! I don't need someone to treat me like a child! I'm 21 next month! And besides I do have food at home! I only went food shopping the day before yesterday!”
    I stabbed at another innocent piece of ravioli before shoving it in my mouth.
    He raised a brow. “I'd still like to make sure you're getting enough vitamins though! You’re very pale Evangeline.”
    I had had enough of his bizarre need to treat me like I was his girlfriend and not just some girl he'd just met.
    “Why are you so interested in me?! No other man or indeed woman would give a fuck what I eat or why I am so pale. Why do you care so much! Is it just because I helped your sister?!” I stared angrily at him.
    He took a deep breath in. “Because I can and because I was trying to be helpful I didn't mean to offend you! Please forgive me for being pushy.” He seemed genuinely sorry.
    I got the feeling he didn't have a great deal of friends outside of his social circle, but I could forgive his domineering side because I was sure somewhere deep down under all the ties and waist coats if I dug enough I would find who he really was. “Okay, well just so we are all equal here, you don't need to worry about if I eat! I love food and I'm naturally very pale!” He clearly had control issues in his life.
    He smiled. “Duly noted!” He smirked as he cut his stake. I glanced up every now and again, watching him eat, his eye lashes threw shadows over his cheekbones. Women paid good money for eyelashes like that. I flicked my eyes back down to my pasta I'd eat pretty much the whole lot, I wanted dessert, so I wasn't aiming to eat the whole lot. As I glanced back up I caught him looking at me. He didn't look back down like I would have done if he'd caught me looking at him

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