I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter

Book: I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
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came to assist him. “I’ve got this, Doc.” The man stepped back. Glancing behind him, he saw his ‘fiancé’ standing, just watching him. Her actions puzzled Austin. She didn’t seem comfortable around him, not like she would have been if they had been making love the way engaged people do. Not that he wanted her to hover over him. So, he wasn’t about to complain.
    Going into the adjacent room, he shut the door. God, in heaven! He felt as if he’d   stepped into some sultan’s palace. The bedroom was huge and comfortable, but the bath was crazy. A shower covered one wall, big enough to hold a basketball team. It had twenty heads, if it had one, and a bench covered an entire wall. There was a hot tub, deep and wide, big enough for a dozen people. The floor was heated. There was a skylight and a sauna. Two commodes sat to one side, and that was where he headed. Which one should he use? Then, he realized one was a bidet. He almost smiled. That answered one question. He wasn’t very cultured and wherever his original home was, he didn’t have a damn bidet.
    Taking his cock out, he relieved himself, shook it and tucked himself back in the boxers he wore. He didn’t normally wear boxers. A sense of weirdness struck him. How could he remember a foreign language, know he didn’t own a bidet and didn’t wear boxers, yet he couldn’t recall anything else? Stepping over to the mirror, Austin looked at himself. Damn, he was a handsome fella. He chuckled and his attempt at self-humor backfired as a sharp pain pierced his skull. He touched the gauze and tape on the back of his head. Dark hair. Blue eyes. A scruff of beard. His face looked familiar, like he was gazing at an acquaintance whose identity had slipped his mind.   
    Leaning in, he stared at himself, eye to eye. “Who the hell are you?” Events from the last few weeks filtered through his mind. He remembered feeling helpless and hurting. He remembered having nightmares which were filled with rage and pain. He could remember a sense of drowning, of water closing over his head as he fought for air. Austin shook off a shiver.
    But most of all, he remembered love. He loved someone more than life itself. Was it Martina?
    “Austin? Are you all right?” It was his fiancé. Funny, she wasn’t his usual type. She was too damn skinny. He wondered when his tastes had changed. 
    “Be right out.” He washed his hands and opened the cabinet, looking for something for his headache. Finding a bottle labeled asperina, he took four. With a sigh, he braced himself to go back in the room filled with strangers. With a self-deprecating smile, he admitted he was one of them. Austin Wade was just as much of a stranger to him as they were.
    Tebow Ranch
    A few days later
    The bed was warm. Libby cuddled down under the covers, and reached for Aron. She needed to be held. Her hand connected with warm skin. Oh, he felt so good. She traced the hard muscles of his arms, feeling them flex beneath her fingertips. Edging closer, she moved from his bicep to his pecs. “I love touching you.”
    As always, he welcomed her. “Why were you way over there? You’re supposed to sleep in my arms.” He drew her to him and she snuggled close.
    “I don’t know. I guess I just got away from you.” Teasing him was one of her favorite past times.
    One moment she was lying on the bed, the next she was lifted in the air and settled right on top of him. His arms came around her like comforting bands of steel, anchoring her body to his. “Don’t you dare try to get away from me, I can’t live without you.”
    Her breasts were pressing into his chest. She could feel her nipples dragging in the soft fur as she kissed her way up his throat to his lips. “I don’t want to live without you, Aron. I need you too much.”
    “I need you…” Libby kissed him again, but she felt dampness and realized it was only her pillow; she was hugging it in her sleep. It was wet with tears.

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