
Imprint by Annmarie McQueen

Book: Imprint by Annmarie McQueen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annmarie McQueen
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popping one out and proceeding to help who she thought was Sean to sit up in bed.
    “Erm, aren’t you going to open your eyes?” she asked in confusion.
    “I would, but they’re pretty sore.  I’ve been put on eye drops for it.”
    “Oh, right.”
    Sean had to admit, Drew managed to pull off his part pretty well. He sounded, looked and acted like him. He couldn’t blame Ali, who along with Hayden probably knew him better than anyone, f or assuming it really was him. Drew slumped back down under the covers with a shudder once he’d taken the pill, and he looked to be in pain. ‘Good’ Sean thought, ‘I hope he’s in agony. He deserves it.’ Ali scooted a little closer, and from the silvery light of the half moon Sean could clearly see the worry and guilt in her gleaming eyes. They stood out, almost shone, and the moonlight made them look mysterious and ghostly. Ha. He chuckled inwardly at the irony of what he’d just thought.
    “ Do you know when you’re going to be coming back?” she asked. She deliberate d for a moment, then reach ed out and tentatively gripped the pale hand, for support he guessed.
    Drew coughed a little, and Ali seemed to wince with each one. “Yeah, probably another two weeks. I’m not actually allowed out of bed until the end of this week. Such a drag.” Such a drag? Sean was impressed. Drew had even gotten his favourite phrase right and used it in proper context.
    “You’re so predictable,” Ali chuckled, but it sounded forced. “You know, you’re going to have to catch up in all your classes once you get back.”
    “I know.”
    “That means doing work. ”
    “You’re so patronising sometimes, Al. I can handle doing work. I c ould use some help, though.” Sean felt triumphant. Drew had finally slipped up – there was no way he would ever ask for help with work . Ali normally just gave it to him anyway.
    And, rightfully so, the girl was incredulous . “You’re asking me for help?” Sean sent a smug look to Drew over Ali’s shoulder, even thou gh he wouldn’t be able to see it as he was facing away from him . Yeah, he had slipped up. It was only a matter of time until she figured it out now.
    “Well, yeah. Al, you’re the best scientist in the year and you know Physics is my worst subject. Think you could tutor me?”
    She tilted her he ad slightly, the light catching on her wheat-coloured hair . “ Are you s ure?” she asked suspiciously. “Normally you hate even the mention of work.”
    “Well, I’m going to have to do it eventually unless I want to spend my life working in Tescos. I’m already set for failure as it is.”
    “Wow, Sean, this is a…new side of you, ” Ali smiled warmly. “Of course, I’d love to help you. I can come round any night, on ce you’re feeling better of course .”
    Drew smiled, Sean felt nauseous. “Thanks.”
    There was a natural break in conversation then. Drew’s breathing came in soft and rhythmic sighs, as if he had fallen asleep, and Ali watched him intently, as though searching for something. Sean observed her for a minute, silently willing her to turn around and not ice him standing there. S he actually did so. She turned, stared right through him and then glanced shrewdly around the room. He felt hopeful.
    “Come on, Al,” he whispered into the heavy air. “We’ve k nown each other for years. Just look a little harder. Can’t you see me?” But really, everything he said was pointless. Useless. Wasted. She could not see him because she was alive, and he wasn’t. That thought alone caused his chest to constrict until his breath was coming out in rasps again and he found it difficult to think . How long would he be like this?
    H er saddened gaze returned to the bed. She paused, as if nervous, and then broke the peaceful silence. “Listen, Sean, I’m…really sorry.”
    “Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything,” came Drew’s murmured reply.
    She bit her lip guiltily . “ I’m sorry for acting the

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