In Persuasion Nation
pan closer is made of roses (LI
88753), such as LI 73486, where as you fly over wildflowers to a
Acura Legend on a cliff the announcer goes, Everyone is entitled to
their own individual promised land.
    And I
blinked on Pause but it did not Pause, and blinked on End but it did
not End.
up came LIs of Grass, due to I had seen that lawn, such as an old guy
sprinkling grass seed while repetitively checking out his neighbor
girl who is sunbathing, and then in spring he only has grass in that
one spot (LI 11121), such as LI 76567, with a sweeping lawn leading
up to a mansion for Grey Poupon, such as (LI 00391) these grass
blades screaming in terror as this lawnmower approaches but then when
they see it is a Toro they put on little party hats.
can you hear me? Slippen said. Do you see Carolyn? She has been
waiting out here an hour. During that hour she has been going where
she wants, looking at whatever she likes. See what she is doing now?
Simply enjoying the night.
that was true. Between flinches and blinks on End I could dimly
persee her sitting cross-legged near me, not flinching, not blinking,
just looking pretty in the moonlight with a look on her face of deep
concern for me.
this could all be yours, Slippen was saying. This world, this girl!
then I must have passed out.
when I came to I was sitting inside that door marked Caution Do Not
Open Without Facility Personnel Accompaniment, with my Paperwork in
my lap and all my Coördinators standing around me.
Dove said. Larry Slippen here claims that you wish to Exit. Is this
the case? Did you in fact Request your Paperwork, then thrust it at
I said. Yes.

they rushed me to Removals, where this nurse Vivian was like,
Welcome, please step behind that screen and strip off, then put
I did, I dropped my Calvin Klein khakis and socks and removed my
Country Road shirt as well as my Old Navy boxers, and put on the
dreaded blue scrubs.
of luck, Randy, Slippen said, leaning in the door. You'll be fine.
out out, Vivian said.
she gave me this Patient Permission Form, which the first question
was, Is patient aware of risk of significantly reduced postoperative
brain function?
    And I
wrote, Yes.
then it said, Does patient authorize Dr. Edward Kenton to perform all
procedures associated with a complete gargadisk removal, including
but not limited to e-wire severance, scar-tissue removal, forceful
Kinney Maneuver (if necessary to fully disengage gargadisk),
suturing, and postoperative cleansing using the Foreman Vacuum
Device, should adequate cleaning not be achievable via traditional
    And I
wrote, Yes.
    I have
been here since Wednesday, due to Dr. Kenton is at a wedding.
    I want
to thank Vivian for all this paper, and Mr. Slippen for being the
father I never had, and Carolyn for not giving up on me, and Dr.
Kenton, assuming he does not screw it up.
ha, you know, Dr. Kenton, I am just messing with you, even if you do
screw it up, I know you tried your best. Only please do not screw it
up, ha ha ha!)
night they let Carolyn send me a fax from the Lerner Center, and it
said, I may not look my best or be the smartest apple on the
applecart but, believe me, in time I will again bake those ninety-two
    And I
faxed back, However you are is fine with me, I will see you soon,
look for me, I will be the one with the ripped-up neck, smacking
himself in the head!
matter what, she faxed, at least we will now have a life, that life
dreamed of by so many, living in freedom with all joys and all fears,
bring it on, I say, the balloon of our excitement will go up up up,
to that land which is the land of true living, we will not be denied!
    I love
you, I wrote.
    I love
you too, she wrote.
I thought that was pretty good, it being so simple and all, and it
gave me hope.
maybe we can do it.
we can come to be normal, and sit on our porch at night, the porch of

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