In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight by Marie Harte Page A

Book: In Plain Sight by Marie Harte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Harte
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal, Adult
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    “Never better.”
    Then she shocked the hell out of him. She closed the distance between them. Reaching up, she grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a helluva kiss, one he didn’t want to end. “Now come sit down next to me and enjoy this snack. Tell me more about your work. I’m interested in what you do, Cullen.”
    Not sure what to make of any of it, Cullen sat next to her.
    “Scotch or wine?”
    “Ah, Scotch.”
    He took the glass she poured him and sipped, wondering if he was still sleeping. For a minute, it felt as if he’d come home from a hard day’s work, his mate waiting for him with welcome and affection.
    “Tell me all about woodworking,” she said, taking a square of cheese between her lips.
    He answered absently, watching her chew and swallow. She drank wine, and the soft smell of alcohol enhanced the sweetness of her scent. His ears still ringing from the pleasure of her kiss, he tried to will away his arousal and make conversation.
    It was some time later, when he was beating his foot in time with the music, that he realized he hadn’t stumbled once when talking to her. She seemed genuinely interested in his work, almost more excited from his new acceptance at several folk art galleries than he’d been.
    “That’s terrific! So they’re going to sell select pieces as far away as New York?”
    “Yeah.” He flushed with pride, not used to being praised so openly. His mother loved him, and his brothers took great pleasure in teasing him. He knew they liked his work, but they were family.
    “Wow. I mean, I love the chairs and carvings you’ve done at the town center, but I’ve never seen your more intricate work.”
    He cleared his throat. “Would you like to see the crib?”
    “After lunch, sure.”
    A sudden lull in the conversation unnerved him, because he could almost feel a spike in her energy.
    She looked nervous as well, further alarming him. He wondered what Sarah really had planned, and if he should heed that warning for caution in his mind. A female predator was always one to be wary of, even his beautiful Sarah.

Chapter Six
    Sarah tried not to fidget as Cullen stared at her through narrowed eyes, alight with gold. Anticipation nearly made her lightheaded. They sat close on the couch before the fire as soft music played in the background. Sarah took another sip of wine while Cullen indulged in Scotch, a label his family kept in their liquor cabinet, which she’d found while snooping earlier today.
    “You okay?”
    “I’m fine.” She put her empty wineglass on the table and took a good, hard look at Cullen.
    His dark hair shifted over his eyes, shadowing that gemlike gaze from her. “I don’t know. You seem…”
    “How? How do I seem?” Sarah took a deep breath. Go big or go home , she told herself, and lifted her sweater by the hem, taking it off completely.
    He stared at her, his mouth open. He looked gruff, stunned, and sexy as hell.
    She stood and shimmied out of her jeans, thankful for the warmth of the nearby fire. Cullen, she noted with amusement, took another long swallow of Scotch and remained seated on the couch. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. Letting it fall slowly to the ground, she stood before him, clad only in a pair of racy red panties.
    “Fuck me,” he rasped as he stared.
    “Is that what you’d like?” Sarah pulled down her panties and kicked them aside. “You want me to fuck you?”
    “Yes. No,” he said quickly, breathing hard. “Christ, Sarah. What are you doing?”
    She didn’t answer him. Instead, she moved the coffee table out of the way and knelt between his legs.
    She unbuttoned the shirt he wore and spread her hands over his naked chest. Cullen didn’t so much as mouth a protest, but leaned his head back against the couch and closed his eyes.
    “I must be dreaming,” he muttered.
    Leaning close, Sarah kissed his firm belly, pleased when it quivered beneath her touch.
    The music suddenly stopped, the

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