In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3)

In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3) by Kate Rudolph Page A

Book: In the Alpha's Bed (Stealing the Alpha Book 3) by Kate Rudolph Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Rudolph
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weight and the vampire let go of Mick, turning his attention to his new aggressor. Luke growled at him, showing his own fangs to the pale beast.
    The vampire should have looked human. They didn't have a second form, their only supernatural trait their long fangs. But this vampire was in the midst of a hunger-crazed rage. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot, his mouth frozen in a hiss leaving his fangs on display.
    Luke moved, jerking to the side and keeping the creature's eyes on him. He could tell that Mel was trying to get Mick out of the way and to safety. He didn't want to risk either one of them falling prey to this beast.
    The vampire's eyes stayed glued to him, and when the vampire lunged forward, Luke dodged, pushing him to the side and watching him tumble over. The vampire rolled completely over once before springing back to his feet with a little bounce. It would have been impressive if they hadn't been locked in combat.
    But the vampire was still not steady on his feet and Luke took the advantage, charging forward and pummeling him with his fists. Had he been in his other form, the vampire would have been ripped to shreds by his claws. As it was, he had no time to shift, instead using his inborn strength to inflict as much pain as he could.
    Luke got in a few good hits before the vampire bucked, unbalancing Luke and knocking him to the side. At another time, the vampire might have gone in for the kill, but this one knew he was outnumbered. He turned and ran, heading deep into the forest, away from Luke's house and the way that he and Mel had come from.
    If not for the injured Mick, Luke would have given chase. But the vampire could have friends waiting and he would not run into an ambush.
    Mel wiped a bit of cloth against Mick's neck. She was not particularly gentle and he winced every time she made contact with his cuts.
    "Are you alright?" Luke asked.
    Mick winced again and pulled away from Mel, yanking the cloth from her hands. "You're worse than that damned bloodsucker."
    "What are you doing here?" she asked in a tone verging on accusatory.
    While Luke wasn't happy with the boy's presence, he didn't understand the scrutiny. This was pack land and pack members were free to roam at will with very few exceptions. Mick was currently in deep shit for failing to protect Cassie, but even he was allowed periodic walks.
    Mick defended himself before Luke could say anything. "I told you already that I wasn't spying!"
    Even if Luke had been a dull man, that would have set off alarm bells. "I didn't realize you two had spoken." The boy's wounds were already healing and Luke's patience was running thin. While Mick was allowed to be in this part of the territory, it was strange for him to be here now.
    So why hadn't Mel told him anything about Mick's espionage?
    She made up for it now. "He was lurking outside the house earlier today."
    "I was standing. No lurking involved." And now the indignant tones of a teenager being ignored suffused his words. He'd admit anything in a few seconds so long as they believed him.
    "Why were you standing out there?" Luke asked, "And what were you doing here now?"
    Mick shrugged, wincing when he jostled his still tender skin. "Just curious. Things have all gone on lockdown the past few weeks and the guys wanted to know what's up. We all want to know."
    Luke didn't like it, but Mick had a point. He'd been keeping things on a need to know basis when it came to Mel and what was going on with Cassie. His inner circle knew, but the other shapeshifters that he was responsible for had no idea.
    And he had to keep it that way for now.
    When this was over he would tell all, but until then he needed to keep them safe. If the choice was between that and satisfying the idle curiosity of children, he'd choose safety every time.
    "You're a bit deep in the woods for idle curiosity," said Luke. "And if you or your friends wish to know what's going on, you ask. You don't spy and sneak. You're nearly an adult.

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