Southern Men: Ballad of a Texas Rose

Southern Men: Ballad of a Texas Rose by Carla Kane

Book: Southern Men: Ballad of a Texas Rose by Carla Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Kane
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at the folder in her hands in wonder. Right now it was the most valuable thing in the world. From here on out she would keep it on her person until she got a chance to unveil it in court. She couldn’t wait to see the look on Ace Cooper’s face when he saw that the most sensitive documents in his company were now in her hands.
    She wondered if she’d ever get a chance to speak in private to Bobby again. As she drove off across the desert back towards the city she knew that it might never happen. That was the sacrifice that they both had to take.

    Boss Sheriff Returns
    Love and Sex in the Lone Star State
    ‘Permission to approach the bench,’ Clara spoke and Judge Moses McKennedy gruffly complied. She walked towards his chair, holding in her hand the secret papers that were guaranteed to seal the deal and win this case at last. Behind her, Ace Cooper and his crack team of lawyers sat at their table, none the wiser as to how close they were to the end of it all.
    Ace was the owner of Texxon Oil, a multinational company with a habit of cutting corners and endangering lives. Clara was representing the townspeople of a small community by the name of Prudence in south Texas, who’d experienced first hand the negative effects of Texxon dumping in their area. Clara was doing the case for free, simply because she believed in the cause, and two nights earlier a breakthrough came when she’d been furnished with documents that proved once and for all just how far up the corporate ladder the responsibility for these crimes ran. The papers had been leaked to her by Bobby Cooper, Ace’s only son and heir to his throne. And now the endgame was already underway.
    ‘Your honor,’ Clara said, ‘these papers are Texxon documents, some of which are over thirty years old now, which were anonymously sent to my office two days ago. They prove beyond a reasonable doubt Ace Cooper’s involvement in the illegal pollution on Prudence. I want your permission to introduce them into the court.’
    Judge Moses McKennedy was a giant of a man, a southern monolith and a throwback to a wilder age. He looked over the papers briefly and then nodded. ‘Yes Miss Silverman, you may,’ he said.
    ‘Thank you your honor,’ Clara replied and stepped back from bench. She’d had a minor fling with the judge early on in the case and it was obviously now in their best interests that they should absolutely never acknowledge such an encounter.
    Addressing the whole court now, Clara held up the papers and began to speak. ‘Your honor,’ she said, ‘I hold in my hands interior documents from the highest echelons of Texxon’s upper management. These papers date as far back as the nineteen seventies in some cases and many of them are actually signed by Ace Cooper himself.’
    Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Ace, dressed in full southern garb with a white Stetson above his matching suit, sat up rigidly and began whispering franticly in his lawyer’s ears. Whatever it was he was saying , they didn’t look happy about it.
    Clara resisted the urge to smile and continued talking. ‘As I showed you a moment ago your honor, some of these documents relate directly to the prudence waste campaign, such as the one I hold in my hand right now. As you can see the signature at the bottom of the page is that of Ace Cooper.’
    An audible gasp swept over the courtroom. Clara looked at Ace Cooper and relished what she saw. His face was white from anger. He knew she had him.
    Ace’s lead lawyer stood up.
    ‘Uh objection your honor,’ he began, ‘if these papers are indeed private Texxon documents then we demand to know how they came to be in the possession of Miss Silverman. This is surely inadmissible if she procured them through devious means.’
    ‘Nonsense,’ Judge McKennedy grunted, ‘if the documents are legitimately from Texxon then they prove Ace Cooper’s guilt in this case once and for all. If they are not, then you

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