The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales)

The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson

Book: The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derrolyn Anderson
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    “I’ve been trying to reach you all day!”
    I was wound up tight, watching my father’s arm flopping helplessly, “We’re just taking my father to the airport.”
    “Did n’t you get my messages?” he asked impatiently.
    Paul interrupted me, calling out in the background, “Are you going to ride along?”
    I lowered the phone, “Yes Paul! Just a minute, okay?”
    “Are you too busy with Paul?” he asked bitterly.
    I turned away, “What? Ethan, I have to go now… I’ll call you later.”
    I hung up abruptly and climbed into the ambulance, taking Dad’s good hand and patting it gently. I stayed by his side the whole flight, fretfully watching him suffer. Before I knew it we were touching down in San Francisco and Boris was there to help carefully move his cot from Evie’s jet. We loaded him into another ambulance and brought him directly to the huge freight elevator at the back of Evie’s building. It opened up into Evie’s vast pantry, and I watched as Boris wheeled Dad through her kitchens and across the hall to our apartment.
    “Velcome home sir,” Boris said solemnly.
    Clearly, he had been very busy while we were away. The place had been completely remodeled. The first thing I noticed was a hospital bed set up in the library just adjacent to the kitchen. I peeked into the guest room to discover all of Cruz’s things were missing.
    I ran back out, “Where’s Cruz?” I asked, alarmed.
    Don’t worry dear, I’ve had him moved to a n apartm ent one floor down. We’re still neighbors.”
    I walked into my former art studio to find that Cruz’s sewing room had been transformed into a rehabilitation facility that would be the envy of any medical center . There was a ton of weightlifting equipment, a stretching contraption with all sorts of pulleys and straps, massage tables, and a treadmill facing a giant television screen. A whirlpool Jacuzzi sat on a pedestal overlooking the magnificent view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
    “There isn’t a hospital around that’s better equipped,” Evie’s voice rang out behind me.
    I turned to see her, standing alongside a black -eyed beauty with mahogany skin and glossy, raven black hair pulled back in to a tight ponytail . S he somehow managed to look stunning draped in a shapeless medical smock ; e ven her unfashionable eyeglasses couldn’t hide the fact that she was a gorgeous woman. A dark woman. Fatima’s words rang in my ears.
    Evie came up beside me, gesturing, “Marina, allow me to introduce you to Doctor Amrita Permala. She’s an orthopedic surgeon and an expert in physiotherapy and nutrition . She’ll be supervising your father’s recovery.”
    “Hello,” I said, reaching out to shake her hand. She took mine formally, awkward and stiff.
    “It’s a great pleasure to meet you,” she said solemnly, her piercing dark eyes darting away nervously.
    “Boris has been assisting Doctor Permala in acquiring everything she’ll need for your father’s medical care.”
    I looked around, “It’s very impressive.”
    “Amrita will be staying in the guest room and monitoring your father’s condition around the clock,” Evie announced.
    “Oh,” I was surprised, “I was planning on sticking around to help for awhile…”
    Evie smiled, “That’s wonderful news! I assumed you’d want to get back to school right away.” I could see her mind working, “You’ll love attending college in the city! I can make arrangements to have you transferred into San Francisc o–”
    “I’m not planning on moving back... I just wasn’t going to leave him until I know he’ll be okay on his own,” I said defensively.
    Once again, I felt like Evie was trying to manage my life– and separate me from Ethan. I was a little annoyed that she hadn’t consulted me before hiring someone, but then again, my father’s condition was grave eno ugh to warrant a professional. I knew that Evie had our best interests at heart, and she knew a good deal more than I

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