The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
finance department.
    “It’s 85 people, sir,” Timothy says,
taking out a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Timothy is an
average guy, who, if he didn’t suspect we were more than human,
would not be this loyal. I’m sure he stays because of the pay, and
the threat of not knowing who I truly am.
    “Fire the first 50 files in this
pile,” I say, looking at him. With no hesitation he moves, counts
50 and places them on a chair.
    “I will not deal with incompetence,
Timothy; you go handle those files now, and have them off the
property in one hour,” I say. I don’t have to say I’m done, he
knows me well enough just to go do it. I like Timothy as a manager.
I would never get rid of him, and if he were in my land I would
give him the title of Leka, this would make him pretty high in my
land. His loyalty would be rewarded, but this is not my land, and
the only thing I can ensure is his job and safety. He’s watched, so
nothing happens to him. I don’t want him being in car accidents, or
anything that could interrupt his work.
    “Yes sir, I will make sure it’s done
within the hour,” he says, leaving.
    “Oh, make sure to alert Cindy that I’m
back and need her in my office.”
    “Yes, sir.” He is gone. I turn my
attention to the numbers of Out of World Enterprises. Our company
is slipping in gross by 2.3%, and that’s unacceptable. My father
says anything over 2 % and you can be in danger. There are always
companies coming up. We must stay ahead to ensure our place. I
smell her coming before she knocks.
    “Come in,” I say. Cindy walks in,
carrying a glass of wine from our cellar and smiling hugely. She
has a crush on me, and never tries to hide it. She is always wet
when she’s around me. It’s very distracting to smell arousal all
day long, so I usually send her to Showken or Gemi.
    “Hello Mr. Draglen, it’s so good to
have you back in town. The company is never the same when you’re
not here. I’m at your disposal!” Cindy says, smiling. I really
thought she would lose interest, yet every time I have come to town
for the last four years, she has still wanted me to take her to
bed. It’s never going to happen. Cindy is an attractive woman. She
is medium height with short blonde hair, and has an okay body. I
just don’t like women chasing me. I’m naturally a predator and I
like prey, not another predator, and she is hunting me. Other
reasons are, I don’t do humans, and for two, she has an addictive
personality. No one should be addicted to me. I’m not your average
guy. I take a sip of the wine, looking at her.
    “Cindy, listen, first please stop
giving me the, “I want to screw you” eye, and second, I need a
report on how to get numbers up in the next three months. Do you
think you can handle all of what I just said?” I say, hoping she
gets it. I don’t want to fire Cindy, but I will have her walked out
of my building if she continues her flirting.
    “Yes, I totally understand, Mr.
Draglen. I will get right on that report. I look forward to having
you around also, sir; it’s always a pleasure to be in such good
    “Cindy, one day you will be escorted
out for harassing the boss.” I say, glaring. It does nothing but
make her more intrigued with me. I really need to have her
evaluated for mental problems. I think sometimes she could be aware
of the danger with me and like it.
    “I will get you the report ASAP, sir.”
Cindy says, leaving, as she now understands my tolerance for her
today is extremely low. This is going to be a long 6 months. Maybe
Cess will help, being a Giver.


    Whoa! What the hell kind of dream was
that? All of that talking with Showken about being with Draken has
got to me. I can’t believe my dream. I need a shower. What the hell
is that sticky feeling between my legs? As I’m opening my legs to
feel, I smell him all over me. Ohh, how much did I drink last
night? I’m pretty sure I didn’t bring Draken to my house, yet his

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