In the Arms of a Pirate (A Sam Steele Romance Book 2)

In the Arms of a Pirate (A Sam Steele Romance Book 2) by Michelle Beattie Page B

Book: In the Arms of a Pirate (A Sam Steele Romance Book 2) by Michelle Beattie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Beattie
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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that, he did have a pistol tucked into his sash. He may not want the noise and attention a shot would attract, even at this late hour, but he wasn’t above resorting to it to ensure he achieved his goal.
    With one hand on the bow, he rested his other on the pistol at his waist. Aidan stopped before the maid. His body tensed as he took in her features. Her face was softer, rounder than Roche’s but the shape of the eyes, the same large oval, was enough to convince him the butler had not been lying after all.
    He was looking into the eyes of Roche’s daughter.
    Had the butler not said anything…
    “Sarah Santiago, I presume?”
    She raised her chin.
    His lip curled. Defiance wasn’t going to save her now. “The quieter and easier you come with me, the better it will be for you.” He let the implied threat hover and took her nod as affirmation she agreed. Aidan took a step closer, grasped her arm. He caught the glint of silver as she whipped an object from behind her back. He blocked the blow easily enough then twisted her wrist until the candlestick sunk silently into the sand.
    Already short on patience, Aidan gave her a hard jolt. She was tall for a woman and he only had to tip his head down to look her in the eye. “You were warned.” He growled as he once again gripped his pistol.
    Her eyes went round. “But I don’t know who you are or what you want with me! I would have to be mad not to try to escape!”
    Aidan raised a brow. “Are you warning me you’ll be trying again? That’s a foolish declaration when your captor has both pistol and arrow.”
    Her shoulders fell. “I only had the one weapon. As I value my life, I can assure you I will not be trying another escape.”
    Aidan scoffed. “You are mad if you think I will accept your word as truth.”
    She raised her arms and turned a slow circle. “I’ve no weapon. If you need further convincing you can search for yourself.”
    Another game, he thought with a scowl. Granted, in her maid’s attire she was hardly dressed to seduce but to invite a stranger’s touch? He might not have been raised as a gentleman, but he knew no respectable lady would invite such a thing. But then, she was Roche’s daughter. And like her father, was not above any means to get what she wanted.
    Knowing those facts, however, didn’t stop his gaze from skimming over the plain grey gown and white apron she wore. Nor did it stop him from noticing the lush, firm breasts pressing against the bodice.
    And damn his traitorous body for stirring. This wasn’t any woman; this was Roche Santiago’s daughter.
    “I’ll not be fooled into seduction.” He glowered. “And you’ll be wise to remember that.”
    “Seduction!” she sputtered. “I was merely stating you could see for yourself I had no other weapons.”
    “So you claim.” With a firm grip on her arm, and the other on his bow, Aidan marched down the beach. Though she made no move to escape, she nevertheless plagued him with questions.
    “Why won’t you tell me who you are? What do you want with me? Where are you taking me? How do you know who I am?”
    Damn it, next time Chunk offered to give chase, he wouldn’t argue with the man. “You’ll find out soon enough,” he answered.
    The maid remained slumped over in her chair, her head on the dining room table when Aidan entered with Sarah. Every pair of eyes locked onto him, the old maid stiffened further—though Aidan hadn’t believed it were possible. The only sound in the room was Sophia’s gentle snoring. Aidan released Sarah with a slight push toward one of the high-backed chairs.
    “Sit and stay there.” His eyes raked over Sarah before moving onto the other captives. “The same is true for all of you. The more you cooperate, the easier it will be on all of you.”
    “You are thieves, then? Intent on robbing us?” the butler asked, looking down his beak-like nose as he would at common rats.
    Aidan glared. The man worked for the vilest pirate in the

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