In the Earth Abides the Flame
to warn Falthans about the coming invasion.'
    Kurr resumed the narrative. 'A group of us pursued the Bhrudwans along the Westway, enlisting the help of Farr and Perdu here in the process. Just west of Vindstrop House, a town in the wild lands north of Treika, we ambushed the Bhrudwans and freed their captives. We also succeeded in capturing one of their number, and brought him to Instruere as a token that our story is true. We expect his interrogation will prove invaluable in confirming our story.
    'Unfortunately, a marauding band of Widuz captured one of Mahnum's sons and took him south to a forest fortress. With assistance from the local forest-dwellers, Mahnum tracked them and helped set his son free. They were then pursued by the Widuz, who harried our Company until we reached the gates of Instruere, where the narrative joins with the story you know already.'
    The four men watched the Councillor closely, but the expression on the face of the Saristrian ambassador gave nothing away.
    'We have two main pieces of evidence to substantiate our story,' Mahnum said, filling the silence. 'First, there is the Bhrudwan warrior currently held at a secret location in this city, whom we will produce for the Council's examination. His presence will surely serve to corroborate our tale, and warn the Council that something serious is about to happen. To my knowledge none of the Lords of Fear have been seen in Faltha since the end of the Bhrudwan occupation a thousand years ago.
    'The second piece of evidence is the information I carry in my head. In his quest to learn what I knew, the inquisitor on Andratan gave me full details of the plans to infiltrate Falthan leadership at the highest levels. I can tell you which Falthan kings are corrupted, and even the names of Council members who are about to betray Faltha. I reveal this only because your name, Saraskar, is not among them.' Mahnum smiled weakly. 'It has been a long time to bear such terrible secrets, and I need to pass the information on to someone trustworthy who is in a position to act. So, you see, I know things that will destroy Falthan politics, and may mean the death of many people, if the information is misused. My life, and (he lives of many others, are in your hands.'
    The Arkhos of Sarista tried to remain impassive, but his clasped hands shook and his knuckles were white. 'The proper course is to report to the Firanese king, or to his Regent as I understand the present situation is. If they would not see you, you might try rhe Firanese ambassador. Were these roads tried?' His voice was unnaturally quiet.
    'No, they were not.' Mahnum spoke with care. 'As I said, Arkhos, I know the names of all those who are traitors to Faltha. You may draw your own conclusions.'
    And you would not have spoken to me if my name had been one of those mentioned on Andratan?'
    Are you sure the names are accurate?' Saraskar asked. 'In the time since you were on Andratan, could others not have been recruited to the Bhrudwan cause?'
    'Perhaps,' said Mahnum, doubt in his voice. 'My inquisitor seemed certain of his information.
    Indeed, I gained the impression that he was the mastermind behind the whole thing.'
    'The Destroyer himself?' Saraskar looked sceptical.
    The Trader shrugged his shoulders.
    'Your life truly is in my hands,' the ambassador agreed, standing suddenly and locking the door with a key attached to a chain about his waist. 'You were foolish, perhaps, to reveal so much to me. Do you know what the Instruian method is for dealing with such situations?'
    The four men shook their heads.
    'They would take you to their deepest dungeon and there introduce you to a number of sophisticated instruments designed to nssist you in telling them everything they wished to know about these names. Cruel but very effective, I am told. Then once your information was theirs, they would see no reason to keep you alive.

    In fact, they would see many reasons to make you dead. Do you understand

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