In the Presence of My Enemies
. . Valerie—”
       “The guy—”
       “Senior OSI Agent.”
       “He’s really taking over for you on board the ship?”
       Melissa cocked her head. “So it would seem.”
       “You think it’s permanent?”
       She shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I don’t see why not. I mean, my primary mission was to find my father and to discover what had happe ned to the Valley Forge and her fleet. With both of those things accomplished, I see no reason for me to stay on board.”
       “You don’t think a conspiracy and attempted cover -up at the highest levels of the Unified government is reason enough to continue your mission?” he asked. “Not to mention that there’s a spy on board the Rhea —one who broke into both my cabin and my ship and stole highly classified Unified data.”
       The sarcasm of his tone wasn’t lost on her. “Of course it’s important, Shawn. But I think my talents are better suited to our current diplomatic mission. Besides, Agent Mallory can more than handle the Rhea from here on out. I’ve read his record. It’s impressive.”
       “You’ll forgive my lack of faith in Agent Celery.”
       “I know. That time it was on purpose.”
       She slapped him gently on the shoulder. “In any event, my original mission is over . . . as far as the OSI is concerned. Time to move on.”
       “And it seems we’ll be doing so together.”
       She smiled, her cheeks reddening despite her best efforts otherwise. “Someone must think we’re a pretty good team.”
       “I’m starting to agree with them.”
       Melissa leaned in, kissing him. “I can’t think of a better pilot to get me in or out of trouble.”
       He smiled, leaning in for another kiss. Melissa held her finger to his lips, slowing his lunge until it was all that separated them. “We have a mission briefing to go over.”
       “We do?”
       She smiled. “I’d say it’s a rather informal one. Because I’m the intelligence agent assigned to protect Ambassador McDermott, and because you’re the one who’s going to protect me, I thought I’d go over everything I’ve learned in the last hour.”
       “What do you know about McDermott?” he asked, his eyes still on the ship outside.
       “A great deal, actually. Despite his young age, the Ambassador has been instrumental in a number of border disputes between member and non-member worlds in the Unified government for quite a long time.”
       “What type of disputes?”
       “Mostly territorial, often when scarce natural resources are involved.”
       Shawn turned to face her. “Has he ever done anything like this before?”
       “If by ‘this’ you’re asking me if he’s ever negotiated between two warring cultures, then I would say no. The ambassador’s efforts have a tendency to diffuse hostilities before they become an issue.”
       “I don’t suppose you learned anything about our other passenger?”
       She shrugged. “Colonel Tausan is a bit of a mystery, which I know you’ll just love .”
       Shawn folded his arms across his chest. “I’m not a big fan of surprises, no.”
       There was a knock at the door, and Shawn watched as Melissa admitted William into the room. The admiral looked worried as his eyes shifted from Shawn to Melissa.
       “What’s going on?”
       “I just got off the comm channel with Commodore Savath. He’s informed me that one of the Kafaran border worlds near Unified space has just been attacked by the Meltranians. No survivors. Everything on the surface is lying in ruins. A passing Kafaran cargo freighter spotted three Meltranian collector ships, similar to the one that was destroyed here, heading toward Unified Space.”
       Melissa shook her head in shock. “How close is the nearest Unified colony?”
       “Osa’Mara is roughly a week from the border. I’ve sent a message to the planetary governor, warning

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