Indonesian Gold

Indonesian Gold by Kerry B. Collison

Book: Indonesian Gold by Kerry B. Collison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry B. Collison
Tags: Fiction
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    â€˜Sure, okay.’ Baird seemed miffed. ‘I’ll play it

    â€˜I’m glad to hear you say that, Eric. We’ve got a great

opportunity here and I wouldn’t want you to screw it up – for either of us.’
    â€˜I won’t,’ Baird promised, leaning back and permitting the

waiter to give Kremenchug the bill.
P.T. Subroto &

    â€˜You seem to be in high spirits.’ Air Vice Marshal

(retired) Sub-roto waddled back into his office, expecting the Australian, Eric Baird, to

    â€˜Looks like I’ll be able to meet those outstanding

payments, Pak,’ Baird replied, respectfully.
    â€˜ What’s happened? ’ The Air Vice Marshal dropped his

one hundred and twenty kilos heavily into the specially designed, reinforced leather and teak

    â€˜ I’ve signed with a Canadian group, Pak.You remember

Kremenchug? ’ Air Vice Marshal Subroto snorted with apparent distaste. ‘ That

lintah-darah? ’
    Baird disguised his annoyance with Subroto’s response

referring to Kremenchug as ‘that bloodsucker’. ‘ Something beneficial will come of it ,’

Baird tried to placate.
    â€˜ He is a parasite – Indonesia doesn’t need people like

him. ’
    â€˜ Kremenchug has given us a great opportunity, Pak. ’

Baird was apprehensive with the retired officer’s mood. He opened a fresh packet of cigarettes,

flicked the bottom of the box, and offered the extended rokok to his sponsor. At first,

Subroto ignored the offer then poked a chubby hand outwards, taking one of the clove sticks and

holding it, ready for Baird to light.
    â€˜Really, Eric, you should look for others to assist you

with our business.’
    Baird felt the familiar tug to his stomach – the

uncertainty of operating in this country with quasi-legitimate status had a severe downside.

Foreign investment laws required substantial capital contribution, the benefits, enormous in

terms of tax holidays and other considerations; for those who were limited financially but could

bring the necessary expertise, there were but few options. Even marrying an Indonesian woman

could not guarantee legitimate status, for Islamic Code influenced the laws. Regulations

prohibited Indonesian women married to foreigners from holding directorships and acquiring

trading licenses; and, there was no guarantee that foreign men married to local women would have

the right of residency, let alone citizenship. As for acquiring the latter, he was aware that

only one Westerner had been awarded this privilege under the Suharto regime, not that he wished

to emulate the colorful Stephen Coleman, who had long since distanced himself from these

    Years before, Baird had taken the path so many of his

fellow expatriates had chosen, establishing an Indonesian nominee company to provide legitimacy

to their presence. Now, as others had discovered, there was a price to pay.
    â€˜ You are right, Pak ,’ Baird deferred to the

white-haired Air Vice Marshal, ‘ as soon as this contract is finished, I will not accept any

more work from him .’
    â€˜ It would be better for all of us ,’ Subroto

advised. ‘ The government is only interested in those who are serious about investing in

Indonesia – and your friend does not fall into that description. He makes money from us without

producing results for our people .’ He looked over expensive bifocals that had slipped down

his near bridgeless-nose. ‘ And, I know for a fact that Immigrasi has been keeping a close eye

on his activities here .’
    The mere suggestion that Immigration was monitoring

Kremenchug twisted the knot in Baird’s stomach even more, the inevitable panic attack sending his

hands searching for an inhaler.
    â€˜ Why are the authorities so interested in

Alex ?’
    The General

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