from the self-inflicted gashes on his arms, chest and legs. How could he have failed so pathetically? At the moment of truth, he’d frozen and allowed himself to be scared away by the arrival of a pathetic mortal, whom he should have simply sliced open and left for dead. Abaddon had gifted him with an unlocked door, a veritable open invitation, and yet he’d failed.
    Stanton’s shame was amplified by his fervent knowledge that, had he only trusted Abaddon, no obstacle would have stood in his way and the girl would have been his. Instead of staring at his own pathetic bleeding nakedness, he’d be looking into hers at that very moment, quenching the undying lust for blood that had built up within him.
    “Master Abaddon,” he wailed into the mirror. “Please, forgive your servant’s ineptness. Forgive my failure and grant me the opportunity to redeem myself in your eyes, to bring myself back within your favor. Please, forgive me. Please.”
    Stanton’s lips and tongue were desperately dry, but he didn’t deserve to quench his thirst. How could he move forward with the ultimate work, the final phase of the mission that was before him when he was a picture of failure? His confidence was lost. He stared into the mirror, desperately searching his own eyes for an answer, for a way to rectify his failure and regain his rightful place at Abaddon’s table.
    “Damn you, you worthless piece of crap. Damn you. It was there for the taking and you froze, you froze you miserable undeserving fool. How could you freeze? How could you screw it up? It was so easy, it was perfect. It was perfect and a real man wouldn’t have run away like you did. No, if you were truly worthy you would have exerted your power, the power your master has provided, and you would have taken that girl, whatever the cost. Look at you, you’re still as pathetic as you’ve always been, still the boy who did nothing and just allowed them to torment you.”
    Looking deep into the reflection of his own bloodshot eyes, intently following the tiny lines of blood running through them, Stanton slowly came to know what he had to do. Abaddon didn’t tolerate failure. His ultimate task still lay ahead, but if he was to have any hope of success, his pathetic debacle had to be rectified and the only way to satisfy Abaddon, and restore his place at the table, was a sacrifice, a blood sacrifice. Abaddon had sent Stanton for blood, and blood he would deliver.
    Declan awoke from a meager two hours of sleep on his sofa, thoroughly exhausted. He showered, made some strong coffee and left for the Bureau field office intent on finding whatever he could on Stanton. Megan’s flight was due in the evening and he planned to pick her up at the airport and spend the next few days with her, but Declan was convinced Stanton had very bad intentions and he had to get a surveillance detail in place.
    Stanton exited the No. 86 bus a block from Nikki’s apartment complex and cautiously, but deliberately, made his way back to her ground-floor unit. The car which had prompted him to abort his mission in the dark hours earlier that morning was still parked outside, yet Stanton’s determination didn’t waver. There was only one way back into Abaddon’s favor. Turning back was not an option.
    It was still early enough that very few people were out and about. Stanton approached the front door, keeping his eyes peeled for an open or seemingly unlocked window. He assumed Nikki and her companion would still be sleeping and hoped to find a way into the apartment that wouldn’t wake them. In the event no such path existed, he’d have to knock on the door and force his way in without making too much noise and commotion.
    Seeing no open window on the front-side of the apartment, Stanton walked quietly to the front door and, fully expecting to find it locked, gently turned the knob. To his absolute amazement, the unlocked door opened. An enormous

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