Into Thin Air

Into Thin Air by Cindy Miles Page A

Book: Into Thin Air by Cindy Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Miles
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Paranormal
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    "Does it hurt overmuch?" asked Davy.
    Hurt? Nooo, of course not. I feel just fine, sport! The smile widened.
    Gawan nearly had to leave the room, he was so overcome with mirth.
    The questions kept flying forth, and Gawan scanned the occupants of the room. Christian of Arrick-by-the-Sea leaned against the wall near the pantry, arms crossed over his chest, a bemused look upon his face, thankfully keeping his mouth firmly shut. He glanced at Gawan and grinned.
    Gawan shrugged, then cleared his throat. Loudly. " 'Twill be enough, everyone." He frowned at Sir Godfrey, who at least had the decency to pretend to flick a bit of something from his surcoat. "Get you gone from this larder and allow Ellie some peace." He met her grateful gaze. "She's had a taxing day."
    "Pah! This maid has more nerve than most of the lads in my garrison," said Godfrey. "Besides, her tales of the modern world are far more interesting than yours, Gawan." Godfrey winked at Gawan.
    "Can we see you at supper, lady?" Davy asked. "I've loads more to ask you."
    "Oh, yes! I insist you take your repast whilst seated between myself and Lady Bella!" Lady Follywolle exclaimed so fiercely, the swan on her head all but flapped its wings.
    Ellie gave a sheepish grin. "Um, sure. I'll be there."
    Lady Follywolle clapped her hands. "Splendid! Come, Davy, and lend me your arm whilst we leave the maid Ellie to her doings."
    Davy's face screwed up. "All right," he said with a groan and, like a good lad, held out his arm.
    Sir Godfrey boomed out a laugh.
    One by one, the spirits disappeared. All but Christian, that is.
    Ellie's gaze met Gawan's. "Wow."
    He laughed. "Aye, wow, indeed." He gestured toward his friend. "This little lad is Christian of Arrick-by-the-Sea. Rather old, but he can still swing a fairly lethal blade."
    Christian pushed from the wall to stand before Ellie. He gave a low bow. "Only lethal to those who prompt me, I assure you, and not nearly as lethal as your host." He inclined his head to Gawan. "He tells me you were found in the lane down the way."
    "I daresay she doesn't recall much," Nicklesby answered, moving about the kitchen gathering teacups. "Much as we'd like her to."
    Ellie propped her chin on her fist. "He's right. I don't remember much of anything before Gawan found me."
    Christian looked at Gawan. "Have you searched the beach further?"
    Gawan heaved a sigh. "Aye, but I found nothing of import. I planned to have another look on my way into the village this afternoon. Ellie thinks she may have knocked her head against a rock."
    Christian nodded. "I have a mind to look myself, as well. I'll let you know later if I find aught amiss, Grimm." He gave Ellie a smile. "Lady, should you need reprieve from this bothersome wretch, you've only to call." With a slight nod, he disappeared through the wall.
    Gawan stifled a snort. Bothersome wretch, indeed.
    Nicklesby placed a steaming cup of tea before Ellie, then excused himself. She picked up the spoon and stirred in a bit of honey, but did not sip. She met Gawan's eyes with a look of despair. "This is all so weird. I'm having trouble digesting it all. I feel like I'm watching a movie or something."
    Gawan nodded. "In truth, I would as well, were I you." He regarded her closely. "I'll do my best, though, to find the truth, Ellie. I vow it."
    For a moment, nothing else existed. She stared at him and the sheer look of uncertainty all but tied knots in Gawan's belly. The way her eyes searched his shook him to the bone. He wanted to touch her, but he wouldn't. That was not what she needed now. She needed to trust him. And the very last thing he needed was to become attached to an In-Betwinxt soul he'd never see again once her life was saved. He even wrestled with the urge to sneak a listen of her thoughts.
    Ellie drew a deep breath, and her next words fell out on a sigh. "I believe you."
    Those three words struck something deep within Gawan, something that made him know, without a doubt, and no matter

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