Irish Linen

Irish Linen by Candace McCarthy

Book: Irish Linen by Candace McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace McCarthy
image imprinted firmly in her mind. It would be better if he left now, before she did something she’d regret, something foolish like falling into his arms and begging him to kiss her again.
    He was silent for so long that she wondered whether he’d gone. Meghan glanced back just as he moved closer. Her heart fluttered. Her breath stilled as she met his dark gaze. She had difficulty swallowing as she felt his disturbing power.
    “Will you walk the top deck with me?” he asked.
    I shouldn’t. She stiffened. “Why?”
    “You thought I wouldn’t come since you turned down my proposal.”
    She didn’t bother to deny it. “Proposition,” she murmured, correcting him. Not a proposal. Nothing in his offer had even hinted at a commitment of the heart.
    “You were right,” he said. “The bogus betrothal was my idea, so let’s continue it.” He paused, and his ebony eyes searched her face. “What did you tell your cabin mates about us?”
    “Nothing,” she whispered, frightened by the physical pull she felt toward this man. “They know nothing about yesterday’s conversation.”
    A flash of satisfaction lit up his expression. “Good.”
    She raised her eyebrows. “Good?” she echoed.
    “Because then you have an excellent reason for coming with me.”
    “We must continue our betrothal until tomorrow,” he said. “It’s only one more day. Surely you can stand my company for a little longer.”
    Lucas held out his hand. “Walk with me, Meghan.”
    She stared at his rugged, handsome features and then at his extended fingers. Her pulse picked up its rhythmic cadence as she debated whether or not to go.
    Meghan realized that she wanted to be with him. What harm could it cause to spend just a few more hours in his company?
    He’s dangerous.
    No, she told herself firmly. She was engaged to Rafferty O’Connor. She was going to be married to a man she cared for and respected. She wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize their relationship.
    It didn’t matter that Rafferty was over twenty yearsolder than her, she thought. He’d be a good husband. She wouldn’t allow her brush with Lucas Ridgely to ruin her future happiness.
    “All right,” she said, and he grinned. And his smile did the oddest things to her. It made her tingle all over. It wrapped her in a blanket of warmth and brought her back to pulsating life. How could she regret this small moment of time with him?
    Because Lucas Ridgely is lethal. He makes ye feel things that could ultimately hurt ye. She had never believed that passion blended well with love, yet her strange feelings for the man had her thinking …
    Rafferty was comfortable, safe, and all that a husband should be. He’d always be there for her, while Lucas … was unreliable, not interested in commitment or marriage … bad for her in all the ways that counted.
    Why then was she so happy that Lucas had come?

    The cry of Land ho! filtered down to the lower decks, waking Meghan and causing a feminine flurry in the cabin. The Mary Freedom hadn’t reached America yesterday afternoon as had been expected. It was the second morning after Lucas had invited her to walk the deck, and Meghan had spent many hours enjoying his company, trying to keep herself at a distance … and failing.
    She’d bundled her belongings into a small sack the day before. She dressed hurriedly, wondering if she’d see Lucas again before leaving the ship. Meghan grabbed her cloak and threw it over her head.
    “Meghan?” Mrs. Finn asked as Meghan went to the hatch.
    “I’m going above.”
    “Meghan, wait!” Bridget exclaimed, but Meghan left, hoping to find Lucas on the upper deck, wanting to see him alone for the last time.
    A gust of wind assaulted her as she climbed out of the companion way onto the top deck. She raised the hood of her cloak, holding it beneath her chin to keep it in place. The weather was cold, typical for America this time of year or so she’d been told. She shivered

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