Iron Jackal

Iron Jackal by Chris Wooding

Book: Iron Jackal by Chris Wooding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Wooding
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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    ‘Yes, Cap’n!’
    ‘Well, I’m sure you won’t mind reminding me then.’
    Malvery rolled his eyes. ‘We’ll be heading for the engine carriage at the front, to try and stop the train,’ he said, in a dreary sing-song. ‘Ashua, Pinn and Harkins are gonna keep the bad guys busy while we do, and—’
    ‘Aren’t we the bad guys?’ Pinn asked suddenly.
    They all stared at him. He shrugged. ‘Well, I mean, we’re robbing them , right?’
    ‘We’re never the bad guys!’ said Frey, horrified at the suggestion. He was surprised the moral objection had come from Pinn rather than Crake. Pinn didn’t have any morals, so he probably just wanted the attention.
    He needed to nip this in the bud before they all started arguing, so he gestured towards Silo, the shaven-headed, umber-skinned Murthian, who was sitting next to him.
    ‘Look at this man. Proud example of his race.’ Silo gazed at him inscrutably. ‘A race that the Sammies have been keeping brutally enslaved for the last five hundred years. And the Daks are no better: they’re willing conspirators. Ashua tells me that train will be full of Daks, with maybe a few Sammies in there to keep an eye on things. Does that sound like slavery to you? No. The Daks run this country while the Sammies sit back and lick the cream. So don’t feel bad about popping one or two of ’em, ’cause frankly, they’re all bastards in my book.’
    He surveyed his crew to gauge the effect of his words. Nobody seemed much bothered. Pinn just looked confused.
    ‘Plus,’ he raised a finger, ‘those on that train are gonna be armed guards. They’re paid to get shot. If people like us didn’t try to rob trains, they’d be out of a job.’
    ‘We’re providing employment opportunities now?’ Crake asked, deadpan.
    ‘Exactly!’ said Frey. ‘Greasing the wheels of foreign capital, and that.’
    ‘Cap’n,’ said Crake. ‘I do believe you know as much about economics as Pinn does about hygiene.’
    Malvery mopped his pate, which had reddened and begun to peel. ‘Look, as long as we stop short of killing women and children, and we ain’t shooting adorable little puppy dogs in the face, I’m in. Now can we stop bullshitting and get this done? I want to get out of the sun.’
    ‘You’re not in the sun.’
    ‘Out of the shade, then. To somewhere shadier. Like the inside of a freezer.’
    ‘Or a bar!’ Pinn suggested brightly.
    Malvery clicked his fingers and pointed at Pinn. ‘Man’s got the right idea.’
    ‘Tonight you can get boozed up till your eyeballs float, and I’ll pay for every round,’ said Frey. ‘But we’ve got work to do first. Now, some of you are carrying dynamite, so if you must get yourselves shot, try not to get hit anywhere explosive.’ He looked up the slope and saw Ashua scrambling towards them. ‘Seems like that’s it for the team talk. Good luck, everyone!’
    The din of the train had grown to fill the air now. Ashua was shouting ‘Go! Go! Go!’ before she’d even reached her Rattletrap. She leaped into the driver’s seat, hit the ignition button and floored the accelerator. Her wheels spun against the ground for a few seconds, throwing up a cloud of red dust. When they bit, it threw the Rattletrap forward so suddenly that Pinn almost tipped off the back. Frey, Silo and Malvery raced off just behind her, with Jez, Crake and Bess trailing.
    They’d practised with the Rattletraps throughout the morning, to check that they worked properly and to get the drivers used to them, but Frey still found the sense of speed exhilarating. It wasn’t the same as being in a cockpit, where there was a brass-and-chrome dash and thick panes of windglass between him and the world outside. Rattletraps were built low to the ground, and their roll cages seemed pitifully inadequate as protection. Though they travelled much slower than an aircraft did, it felt like just the opposite. He was fragile and invincible all at once as he hurtled into the

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