Irresistible Force

Irresistible Force by D. D. Ayres Page B

Book: Irresistible Force by D. D. Ayres Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. D. Ayres
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
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Shay. He glanced around and into the jaws of a snarling Belgian Malinois.
    He whipped his head back to Shay. “You said your dog wasn’t here.”
    Without seeking to explain Prince’s appearance, Shay seized the moment to try to free herself. “Let go of me, Eric. If you don’t, he’ll tear you to pieces. I swear.”
    “Shit!” Eric shoved her away, freeing her.
    James pushed the front door wide, his gaze fanning the perimeter of the room as he entered. Satisfied no one else was present, he gave his partner a new command. “Pass auf!”
    Ordered to guard the man, Bogart moved in, head low.
    James watched his canine doing his job. Bogart was getting details he couldn’t sense, like the odor of pheromones flooding off the pair. The man would be running high, giving off pheromones of an aggressor. Shay would be shedding fear. The man began backing slowly away.
    “I’d stand still, if I were you.” James kept his voice calm though his own emotions were running high.
    The man stilled, eyeing the dog warily as Bogart sniffed his pants leg. When he gave a soft growl and bared rows of flesh-tearing teeth, the man involuntarily stepped back in alarm. “Call him off!”
    James waited a beat, just to make certain the threat had been delivered and received, before giving the command to back off. “Fuss!”
    Instantly obedient, Bogart trotted back over to James.
    “Good evening, Ms. Appleton.” He spoke to Shay as a courtesy. His attention was focused totally on the man beside her.
    “What is this?” Eric’s head swung from Shay to James. “Who the fuck are you?”
    James braced his legs apart, arms slightly flexed. “I’m the police. Who the fuck are you?”
    Eric shifted toward Shay. “You tell him.”
    Shay shook her head.
    James kept his gaze on Shay’s guest. “Step away from Ms. Appleton. Now.” When the man had moved grudgingly a couple of feet away, James spoke again. “I’m going to ask you one more time, nicely, who are you?”
    The man smiled a professional’s smile, all charm and confidence-building. “I’m a friend of Shay’s.”
    That brought a sound of derision from Shay as she rubbed her upper arms. “We’re not friends, Eric.”
    James shifted his weight. “Want to try again?
    The man’s smile dissolved. Obviously, charm had a short half-life with this guy. “I don’t have to answer your questions. I haven’t done anything wrong. She let me in. Tell him, Shay.”
    “Why do you keep telling Ms. Appleton what to say?” James cocked an eyebrow. “Afraid she might say something not so flattering about you?”
    The man’s gaze narrowed as it moved from James to Shay, and then the dog. “What’s going on here?” He looked back at Shay. “Is this guy really a cop? He’s not in uniform.”
    James moved back the edge of his camo jacket to reveal his badge, hung on his belt, and then the gun on his hip. The man’s demeanor changed from intimidating to nervous. A muscle flexed just below his left eye while, at his sides, his hands began flexing and unflexing. Maybe he was the kind of jerk who saved his rage for women.
    “Is that your truck outside?”
    The guy’s gaze shifted toward the door. “Why?”
    James reached into his pocket and retrieved his police notebook. He thumbed through it until he found what he was looking for. “I’ve got a partial of a license plate and a description of a vehicle just like the one you’re driving. It was reported as a prowler in this neighborhood last night.”
    The man sucked in a breath and turned to Shay. “Unbelievable!”
    James let a smile ease into his features. He had the bastard. “Ms. Appleton didn’t make the complaint. Added to that, I just witnessed you shaking her in a manner that could constitute assault. I need to see some ID, Mr.—”
    The man let out a heavy sigh as he reached for his wallet. “Eric Coates.”
    James took his time as he made a note of the information on the license, letting the man stew as he pondered

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