Irresistible Magic
trouble believing we’re about to—”
    A lightning-quick punch caught Harrison in the shoulder, knocking him back a few paces. His angry gaze landed on David, who’d just appeared, and he grinned, rubbing his upper arm. He placed his hand on the small of my back. “Weak, man. I thought turning vamp would help with those reflexes.”
    David snorted out a laugh. “Right. Talk to her that way again and you’ll find out what this fist can do to your face.”
    “Ahem,” I said loudly. “Are you two frat boys done? Because I’d really like to get on with my date.”
    David’s face went blank and his voice came out flat, void of all humor and emotion. “Of course.” He nodded at Harrison. “Get her to the fifth floor. Father’s waiting.” Then he stared me straight in the eye. “Do what Harrison says, otherwise someone other than you might get hurt. Got it?”
    Was he threatening Talisen? Anger coiled so tight in my chest I thought I might lunge at him. If any of Allcot’s people so much as breathed in Tal’s direction, I’d find a way to bring hell down on the whole corrupt institution known as Cryrique.
    David let out a frustrated sigh at the expression on my face. “It’s not a threat. It’s the truth. If Harrison fails to keep you safe, Father will punish him. Harrison’s a good guy, Wil. I know you hate me right now, but you have to trust me on this.”
    Oh, crap on toast. He’d been talking about Harrison. My anger fled. Of course if he failed Allcot would make an example of him to the rest of the humans who worked for him. Guilt settled around my anger and ate it up. David turned to go, but I grabbed his hand. His blank eyes met mine and I knew he was hiding emotion behind that frustrating veil all vampires possessed. “I don’t hate you.”
    His eyes searched mine with something very close to hope for just an instant. Then the cool expression returned. Nodding once, he disappeared into the crowd.
    “Well,” Harrison said, “that was awkward.”
    “Shut up.” I started to move toward the elevators.
    He caught up in two long strides and wrapped a possessive arm around my shoulders again.
    I tensed and had to fight to keep from throwing him a death glare. I didn’t want his hands on me, but I also didn’t want him to suffer Allcot’s wrath. Besides, we had a ruse to keep up.
    As we crossed the lobby, he leaned down and brushed his lips across my cheek. I brought my hand up to smack him away, but he caught it and whispered, “Your stalker is watching. You don’t want him to think we’re fighting, do you?”
    Did I? If this clown had been following me all night, wouldn’t he know I’d arrived with Tal? I just didn’t know how to play this situation.
    “Make him think we’re into each other and he’ll assume you’re staying the night. You and the fae can go out the back and ditch this loser. If we play it up now, it won’t look suspicious when I’m hanging around for the foreseeable future.”
    I paused and glanced up at him. “I’m with Tal.”
    He frowned. “I know. This isn’t a proposition. It’s a strategy.”
    I took a deep breath, praying for calm. Having a fight, especially in the lobby, wasn’t going to help anything. “I mean I’m with Tal. I’m not going to hide that. I don’t want anyone to think I’m with you. It will be obvious who I’m with.”
    Harrison quirked an eyebrow. “So you’re exclusive with the fae?”
    What was with this guy? “Yes. Not that it’s any of your business.”
    His hands came up to rest on my shoulders, and he turned me so we were face-to-face. Well, more like face-to-chest. I tilted my head back so I could see his eyes.
    “Right behind you is one of the two men who have been tailing you for the last three days. If he finds out you’re with the fae, your friend will be in just as much danger as you are, if not more. It’s bad enough you’re obviously close, but a romantic relationship they’ll use against you to get whatever

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