Irresistible Temptation

Irresistible Temptation by Sara Craven Page A

Book: Irresistible Temptation by Sara Craven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Craven
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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clean-break settlement. That's essential, believe me. If Maria found out about you—if Declan told her…'
    His frown deepened. 'Well, she's a hotshot lawyer. Need I say more? She could string the whole thing out until doomsday—find all kinds of sticks to beat me with.' He gave her an intense look. 'Do you understand what I'm saying?'
    'I think so.' Olivia put her glass down on the shelf. Now, if ever, was the time to confess that their secret was already blown, she realised unhappily. But she already knew that she couldn't risk Jeremy's anger. That she wasn't going to say a thing.
    She said, 'So, you want me to keep up the pretence— maintain a low profile?'
    He nodded. 'Just for a time, my sweet While I'm still living with Declan. You must see that I have to tread carefully.'
    'Wouldn't it be better to find a place of your own?'
    'Of course it would. And I am flat-hunting. But it's not that simple. I need something in absolutely the right area.' He paused. 'Where are you living, by the way?'
    'Not far from you. I'm in Lancey Terrace with someone called Sasha.'
    'That old witch,' Jeremy said disagreeably. 'How did you find her?'
    She bit her lip. 'It was Declan. I—mentioned I needed somewhere to stay—temporarily.'
    'Quite the bloody philanthropist, isn't he?' Jeremy gave a short laugh. 'Well, it's done now, I suppose. But it's going to make it damned difficult for us to see each other on our own. If I come visiting, Sasha's bound to see me and report to Declan.' He sighed irritably. 'If you'd just told me what you were planning, I could have found you a place well away from W11.'
    'But absolutely the right area?' Olivia asked drily.
    Jeremy flushed slightly. 'Well, perhaps not, but as a stopgap that wouldn't matter so much.'
    'I quite like the stop-gap I've got' Olivia paused. 'But I'm sorry to have created all these difficulties. You see—I thought you'd be glad to see me.'
    'Darling, I am.' He sounded eager, remorseful. 'But it's going to be bloody frustrating for both of us. So near, and yet so far apart.'
    It's not what I had in mind either,' Olivia said crisply. 'Maybe you should step your flat-hunting up a notch.'
    'Yes,' he said. 'That's obviously the thing to do.' He sighed again. 'I'm going to get another drink.' He reached for her glass, and stopped. 'You've hardly touched your wine.'
    'No,' she said. 'Could I have an orange juice instead, please?'
    'You can have whatever you want.' He picked up her hand and kissed it 'I'm sorry, my sweet.' His voice lowered repentantly. 'You haven't had much of a welcome, have you? But I'm still a bit stunned about all this.'
    And I'm a little shaken myself, Olivia thought, watching Mm make his way to the bar. Because somehow, and quite unbelievably, I seem to be in league with Declan Malone.
    And that has to be seriously bad news.


    By the time Jeremy returned with the drinks, Olivia had managed to recover her composure. She was also determined to hide her disappointment at his initial reaction to her great surprise.
    Beth had clearly been right, she thought rather sadly. She should indeed have discussed her plans with him in advance. In which case she would probably still be in Bristol, a small voice in her head added brutally.
    But I'm here, Olivia thought, straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin. And I'm staying.
    'This temping work,' Jeremy said abruptly, setting down the glasses. 'I wish I could help, darling, but we're fully staffed at the agency. You do understand?'
    'No problem.' Olivia smiled with more confidence than she actually felt, concealing her instinctive pang of hurt 'I wasn't looking for hand-outs. I can make my own way.'
    'But you're taking a hell of a risk.' He swallowed some of his drink. 'You had an established business in Bristol. You were doing really well. I can't believe you've thrown it all away like this.'
    Olivia lifted her eyebrows. 'Is that how you see it? I thought I was coming to join the man I love. That was my

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