Island of Mermaids

Island of Mermaids by Iris Danbury

Book: Island of Mermaids by Iris Danbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Danbury
Tags: Harlequin Romance 1971
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but, as he pointed out, he was a poor weak thing two months ago. ‘ Anyway, Rosanna will look after me and see to the meals and so on. ’
    It turned out that her fears about both Kent and Cristo were unfounded. Kent chatted naturally to her on the steamer crossing, while Cristo was at his most attentive towards his aunt Emilia.
    ‘ How many times have you been to Naples? ’ Kent asked, as the steamer neared the harbour.
    ‘ Only twice, I ’ m afraid, ’ she admitted. ‘ But I hope to explore the city and other places near by soon. ’
    ‘ Then go soon before the tourists arrive in force. Pompeii is one place you mustn ’ t miss. ’
    ‘ I thought I ’ d make a preliminary visit there and later on take my father who has never been there, although he ’ s made many business trips to parts of Italy. I don ’ t want to tire him too much. ’
    ‘ It ’ s not strenuous. Just a lot of hunks of stone sometimes to trip you up. The pavements aren ’ t asphalt. ’
    She laughed, accepting this further jibe at her propensity to trip over rough ground. ‘ I ’ ll be careful, of course. ’ After a slight pause, she said, ‘ I ’ m sorry I seemed to belittle your occupation the other day. ’
    ‘ Think no more of it !’ he said airily. ‘ What ’ s a hardworking stonemason compared with a glamorous musician? I should probably wear the right clothes when I ’ m in Capri. Long hair as well. ’
    ‘ And what would be the right clothes for a composer? ’ she queried. ‘ Most young men go in for a touch of fantasy nowadays, especially on holiday, so how could you dress up as a Verdi or Puccini? ’
    ‘ Your determination to cut me down to size is something I find quite unflattering. ’
    The passengers were gathering ready to land and in a few minutes the gangways were down. Althea accompanied the others along the quay until Kent secured a taxi.
    The house of Professor Tomaso Scarpelli was in a small comparatively quiet square some distance from the port.
    ‘ I wish you good luck. ’ Althea embraced Carla and kissed her on both cheeks. ‘ Sing well for the professor. ’
    When Carla and her mother accompanied by Kent had entered the house, Cristo suggested that he and Althea might make use of the waiting taxi to go down to the city centre.
    ‘ T hat wouldn ’ t do ,’ objected Althea. ‘ When the others come, there ’ ll be no taxi. ’
    ‘ They can easily get another, ’ Cristo assured her.
    ‘ Oh no. Kent promised that if Carla ’ s audition went well and the professor would accept her, he ’ d take us all to a celebration lunch .’
    ‘ Suppose Carla fails? ’
    ‘ Then Kent said it would have to be a consolation lunch just the same. ’
    ‘ What is “ consolation ” ? ’ he asked.
    ‘ Oh, it means—comforting someone who has lost or has a certain grief .’
    ‘L ike me .’ His black eyes glittered. ‘ I must have this consolation. What does it matter if we don ’ t lunch with my aunt and cousin? We can amuse ourselves and do what we like .’
    Althea, however, was adamant. ‘ You ’ re very inconsiderate, Cristo, ’ she scolded. ‘ Not at all courteous to your aunt .’
    She had guessed that an accusation of lack of manners would hurt Cristo more than an attack of logic.
    He exclaimed that he was ‘ dolent ’ . ‘ Now I have offended you. ’
    Althea gave him a guarded smile. ‘ Let ’ s explore the square while we ’ re waiting. We shall soon see when the others leave the professor ’ s house. ’
    Cristo agreed and, away from the inviting interior of a taxi, proved an interesting guide and most anxious to atone for any recent discourtesy.
    He told her that several houses in the square had once belonged to noble families. ‘ You can see the crests over the doors and the gates to courtyards. ’
    On the far side pizza-sellers announced their hot steaming wares set out in tin trays, while a man diligently brushed peaches until they glowed; then he arranged them on his barrow

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