It's Alive

It's Alive by SL Carpenter

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Authors: SL Carpenter
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the crowd. He’s not afraid to take chances, keep his characters real and deal with things like the after effects of burritos during intimate encounters. Yep, that’s real!
    If you’d like to know more about S.L. Carpenter and his writing, he’d like to invite you to check out the following resources.
    His website:
    (List of books, biography, odds and ends…the usual stuff, but helpful if you’re looking for anything in particular)
    His Facebook page:
    Feel free to “friend him” and enjoy some of the funniest stuff out there.
    His blog:
    Come Inside My Mind
    Not the most prolific of bloggers (once a year if the stars are aligned correctly) you might still find something amusing from Scott here.
    List of Publications
    (please visit your preferred eBook vendor for these titles. They are all available at the usual outlets.)
    Full Service
    So Into You*
    Whispers in the Dark*
    Hired Help*
    Remember When
    Suite 69*
    Showing Off*
    Princesses Gone Wild*
    Need You Now
    Love Song
    Amuse Me
    Coming Attractions*
    Betty and the Beast
    Strange Lust
    More Lust
    Naked Lust
    Dark Lust
    Dark Lord – Origins
    Dark Lord – Souls
    Lady Luck*
    Toys 4 Us
    Learning to Live Again
    In the End
    Partners In Passion I – Eleanor and Justin*
    Partners in Passion II – No Limits*
    Partners In Passion III – Pure Sin*
    Slippery When Wet
    *Several titles are co-written with writer and friend Sahara Kelly. Recently they have collaborated on another endeavor – they began their own graphics company. P and N Graphics produces cover art, various designs for logos, brands and promotional materials, and offers authors and others in the world of books a chance to develop their own graphic projects. Please feel free to visit them online at
    P and N Graphics
    Always busy, either doing some of his amazing artwork, taking care of his family duties or working full time, Scott still manages to squeeze in some valuable hours writing the stories his readers adore. Here’s a look at one of his most recent releases. It is part of the WORKING STIFFS series he’s sharing with co-writer Sahara Kelly. HIRED HELP kicked off this series, followed by Sahara’s OPEN HOUSE . This is the third book and there will definitely be a fourth coming down the pike before too long. Readers can never get enough S.L.Carpenter stories…
    Here’s a peek…
    (Working Stiffs Book 3)
    S.L. Carpenter
    It was a pleasant ride to dinner in Tyler’s classic car. He talked about it a lot and was obviously very proud of his restoration. She listened with interest and found herself relaxing into the whole idea of a real date.
    Having agreed on a popular Mexican restaurant, they sat at their table slowly picking their way through their order.
    “I’m telling you, this food is the bomb.”
    Rachel stared at him in puzzlement. “I’ve never seen anyone eat tacos like that before.” Of course her lust-filled mind wondered if his thick tongue ate everything that way. If so, she was a dead woman. But at least she’d go with a smile on her face.
    “Anything worth eating is worth savoring every bite.”
    His wicked grin made her smile. “Oh really?”
    “It’s one of my weaknesses.” He shrugged. “Just being honest.”
    Rachel let out a deep sigh and crossed her legs. “I don’t want to seem forward or anything Tyler, but my reasons for asking you out were kinda selfish. I haven’t really had a good relationship in a long time and I’m getting tired of waiting for Mr. Right to come along and find me. I’m looking for Mr. Right Now.”
    She paused, wanting to see his reaction to what she was saying.
    “Go on”, he nodded.
    “You seem like a nice guy. Working a steady job, and let’s face it, you’re pretty damn hot.” She felt herself blush as a flash of heat darted through her body.

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