It's Raining Men

It's Raining Men by Milly Johnson

Book: It's Raining Men by Milly Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Johnson
Tags: Fiction, General
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appetite must have been enormous when he was much younger and newly married to Susan, May suddenly mused. That thought of him in bed with
Susan brought a big wave of jealousy splashing over her even though she knew she had a cheek, seeing as that woman was still his wife.
    Grudgingly she lifted his arm and slid from underneath it just as the alarm went off again.
    ‘Michael,’ she said as she kissed him. ‘Michael, I can’t. I’ve got an early meeting.’
    May chuckled. ‘I know.’
    ‘Morning, darling,’ he said. ‘Wow.’
    May was standing there naked, looking for her underwear in the drawer.
    ‘Come back to bed and let’s make love.’
    Thousands of fizzy beads of excitement bubbled inside May at the thought of that. If she weren’t so conscientious she might have been tempted to take a day off sick, for the first time
ever. Monday morning had never felt more like a Monday morning. Having sex with the man she loved was a much more exciting prospect than having a meeting in Clapham and then doing a presentation to
a boss who would be hell-bent on finding holes in her plans because he was the envious, talentless little shit of a nephew of the MD.
    ‘I know, I know,’ said Michael. ‘A nice idea, but we have work to do.’
    ‘Where do you have to go today?’
    ‘Derby,’ said Michael.
    ‘Derby? Again? You were there on Saturday and most of yesterday, weren’t you?’
    ‘Big client – needs lots of attention, darling.’
    ‘Do these people not realize that you might have a life at weekends?’ May huffed angrily on his behalf. ‘Who wants to talk paper on a Sunday?’
    ‘You’d be surprised how many workaholics like to do exactly that. Thank goodness it’s just the one customer, then I can come home and . . .’ His voice tailed off
    May slipped her knickers on quickly then rushed to put her arms around Michael. It was Susan’s birthday today. He would take her flowers and sit by her side and talk to her about what they
should have been doing: having a meal in a nice restaurant, watching a show, staying in a plush hotel afterwards. May wished she had never agreed to go on holiday with her friends. Michael needed
her far more than they did. She should be with him. But when push came to shove, she just couldn’t bring herself to let them down.
    Michael’s hands moved to fondle her breasts. ‘Oh, May, you are lovely,’ he said. ‘I’m so glad I found you. I’m so happy you’re in my life. I think
I’d have topped myself if I didn’t have you.’
    May kissed his head and wished she could tumble back into bed with this sexy, tortured man. Michael started stroking her nipple and she had to pull away, even though she really didn’t want
to. She was already going to be hot and bothered on the Tube thinking about what might have ensued had she given in.
    His smile said he knew exactly what effect he was having on her.
    ‘I love you so much,’ she said.
    ‘I know you do,’ he said. ‘I’m a very lucky man.’

Chapter 11
    Clare closed the box of cleaning materials that sat beside her suitcase. She had two full days left to work, then she had ten wonderful days at the spa, and after that she
would hit the ground running with her new job. Longer hours – as if she could do many more; greater responsibility – as if she hadn’t enough already. But it would all be worth it
for that note she had heard in her parents’ voices on Saturday morning. She had replayed that conversation back to herself so many times over the weekend. It had made up her mind for her. She
knew what she had to do and she would be doing it in her lunch hour today. She was meeting Ludwig in Covent Garden at twelve. He would be flying to Dubai that evening.
    As she was thinking this, a tinkle on her phone heralded a text from him.
    Can’t wait to see you for lunch xxx
    Oh God, that wasn’t helping. He didn’t know what he was in for. She wished it were one o’clock now and she was

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