for anything, I’m not sorry for anything, and I dread every new day. And then there’s Anna. I’ve watched her fading away, worn away by her feelings of guilt, and still – God knows – never a glance or a word of reproach! And now I’ve fallen out of love. How? Why? What for? I just don’t understand it. And here she is, dying in pain, and here am I, running away from her pale face, her sunken chest, her pleading eyes, like a complete coward. It’s beyond shame.
And now Sasha – a mere child . . . feeling sorry for me and thinking she’s in love with me – and suddenly I’m intoxicated, I forget everything, like someone carried away by a piece of Beethoven or something, shouting about happiness and a new life, and next moment I have about as much belief in this happy new life as I have in fairies. What is wrong with me?! What is this edge I’m pushing myself over? Why am I so helpless? What’s happening to my nerves? If my sick wife says a word out of place, or a servant annoys me, or a book goes missing, I explode, I’m horrible to everyone, I don’t recognise myself any more.
I simply don’t know what’s going on with me. I might just as well put a bullet in my head!
Lvov enters.
Lvov We have to have a few words, Nikolay Alekseevich!
Ivanov If we’re going to have to have a few words every time we meet, it’ll be more than flesh and blood can stand.
Lvov Will you listen to me?
Ivanov Ilisten to you every day, and so far I haven’t understood a thing. What exactly do you want from me?
Lvov I always express myself precisely and clearly. Only someone whose heart is closed could fail to understand me.
Ivanov Iunderstand that my wife hasn’t got long to live. I understand that I am irredeemably guilty. I understand that you are an honest, upright fellow. What else do you want to tell me?
Lvov I find human cruelty shocking, you know. The woman is dying, and you openly and for reasons obvious to everybody abandon her every day to go over to those Lebedevs.
Ivanov As a matter of fact, I haven’t been there for two weeks.
Lvov ( not listening to him )With people like you, one has to speak plainly and get straight to the point, and if you don’t like it, don’t listen. I’m used to calling things by their proper name. You need her to die so that you can move on to fresh conquests. So be it, but can’t you show a little patience? Do you think you’ll lose the Lebedev girl if you let death take its natural course – instead of harrying your wife to the grave with your bare-faced cynicism? You’ll have no trouble turning some young woman’s head for a dowry, so what’s the hurry? Why do you need your wife to die now and not in a month or a year?
Ivanov This is unbearable. You’re a pretty poor doctor if you think a man can control himself indefinitely – I’m making a huge effort not to give your insults the answer they deserve.
Lvov Oh, you can drop that pose, Pushkin! I’m not taken in by it.
Ivanov If you’re so clever, consider for a moment. You think it’s a simple matter to understand me, do you? I married Anna for her money; I didn’t get any of it, so now I’m hastening her death so I can try someone else. Simple! What a simple machine is man. But there’s too many cogs and springs and wheels within wheels for such easy judgements. I don’t understand what’s going on inside you; you don’t understand me, and neither of us understands himself.
Lvov Do you really think you’re so complicated, and I’m so simple, that I don’t know wickedness when I see it?
Ivanov It’s a waste of breath. So for the last time, and without going off at a tangent, tell me exactly what you want me to do. What are you driving at? And, incidentally, am I addressing the public prosecutor or my wife’s doctor?
Lvov I am a doctor, and as a doctor I ask you to amend your behaviour. It’s killing your wife.
Ivanov But what do you wish me to do? If you know something about
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